Since the rapid rise and defeat of Antaeus, there has been a good period of stability on a global scale. Certainly, encouraging news for the average citizen. Even Director Nova of BADGE has allowed himself some rest and respite. It may be a stretch to suggest that some element of mirth has entered his personal lexicon, but hope springs eternal, as a certain rapid rodent may suggest.
Continuing with ongoings with BADGE, it appears that Agent Justin remains being the busiest worker bee this side of December's Saint Nick. With word of added staff members, who knows what new features will develop to aid the heroes of Earth?
At a league and superpowered humanoid level, we saw first-hand that the concept of a power vacuum emerging in a certain level tier was utterly destroyed by the rise of certain members of the Infected faction. The lesson to be learned by all is: there will always be a heavy hitter or two (an apprentice and that guy who copyright infringement may prevent me from typing?) ready to close a void before it even opens.
We saw at the last League War tournament that new factions such as Dark Dimensions are no pushovers. They claimed one scalp in landing a first division title, will others follow suit?
At the top of the proverbial heap, it's clear that top flight challengers are needed to take on the status quo, but there doesn't appear to be any on the horizon. We may very well see a variant of the Cursed Cats develop in response, but only a select group of people know for certain if that's on the cards.
Meanwhile, the development/emerging talent rung continues to showcase a variety of competitor styles and talents. Brand new entrants go through a difficult gauntlet, then have to make the decision to try and stick it out, or forge through and attempt to reach the mid-range, without getting discouraged along the way. It's a challenge for all but we suspect Agent Justin and staff will continue to encourage heroes new and present to give it their all in protecting the realm.
The State of the Realm remains solid, and long may it be a place of hope and drive for all.
ID: 10898
Continue the Story
Continuing with ongoings with BADGE, it appears that Agent Justin remains being the busiest worker bee this side of December's Saint Nick. With word of added staff members, who knows what new features will develop to aid the heroes of Earth?
At a league and superpowered humanoid level, we saw first-hand that the concept of a power vacuum emerging in a certain level tier was utterly destroyed by the rise of certain members of the Infected faction. The lesson to be learned by all is: there will always be a heavy hitter or two (an apprentice and that guy who copyright infringement may prevent me from typing?) ready to close a void before it even opens.
We saw at the last League War tournament that new factions such as Dark Dimensions are no pushovers. They claimed one scalp in landing a first division title, will others follow suit?
At the top of the proverbial heap, it's clear that top flight challengers are needed to take on the status quo, but there doesn't appear to be any on the horizon. We may very well see a variant of the Cursed Cats develop in response, but only a select group of people know for certain if that's on the cards.
Meanwhile, the development/emerging talent rung continues to showcase a variety of competitor styles and talents. Brand new entrants go through a difficult gauntlet, then have to make the decision to try and stick it out, or forge through and attempt to reach the mid-range, without getting discouraged along the way. It's a challenge for all but we suspect Agent Justin and staff will continue to encourage heroes new and present to give it their all in protecting the realm.
The State of the Realm remains solid, and long may it be a place of hope and drive for all.
ID: 10898