Friday, August 23, 2024

THE WEIRD on his first league war

(ID: 37145)

My first weird league war!

It's been a whirlwind of a time since I started in Heroes Rising not long ago. I've had a few solo events, Fight Club battles, and KOTM climbs, but this is my first LW with my league, Freaks of Nature.

Our first round is with an NPC league, Stormbringers, and boy, do they look stormy indeed. Their leader, the Conductor, looks like some kind of electricity wielding power nut, or a crazy lightning-making dude. The rest of his team look normal enough, but who knows what secrets they hide.

Our other opponents include ♆SOB♆SOCIETY OF MEMBERS OF DISMEMBERED ♆SOB♆. No idea what they're going to be like, but I'm pretty certain ~\\\\ PAIN inc. ////~ is going to be a pain to deal with.

Going to need a lot of physical (and mental therapy) after all this!

I am, and will always will be, The Weird