Saturday, September 7, 2024

League War August '24: The (Mini) Postgame

League War August '24: The (Mini) Postgame

True story. I was awoken by some loud banging on the front door. When I peeked out the window I was startled by the sight of a bunch of strong-looking folks wearing Nuclear Danger symbols on their jackets.

Wondering what the devil WMD's junior team wanted today - they already had their way with my crew and me earlier in the tournament, I opened the door.

I was then met by a loud and angry chorus of "Pretty much locks, Huh?"

Clearly I hadn't yet had any coffee because I was still wondering why Frank, Skull fella and Artemesia were wearing unusual jackets.

Then it hit me.

No, not literally, although I imagine I'd struggle to fend off all of the Commission's sluggers if it came to blows.

All this to say, I clearly misjudged how Division 6 was going to shake out and Commission proved themselves a determined and dogged force, blitzing through their opponents to claim the division title.

The good news, especially where my personal well-being was concerned, is that there were no other leagues banging on my door trying to have words. The health insurance from KHRO is nullified by my status within my league and affiliation with BADGE, anyway.

Back to the tournament recap. One could say it turned out as WMDers at the top, SOBers at the bottom and everyone else is a meaty filling. WMD Outlaws, as guessed, went all out to reclaim D2 by snuffing out Colony. D4 saw WMD affiliate Angels of Sorcery claim the title, being pushed to an extent by Lords & Ladies.

Division 3 saw Poison have to make a late recovery led by PR Princess and Crossroads, to clinch a second division crown for that franchise. Oftentimes, the most satisfying wins are those you have to fight hard for, and I'm sure Poison enjoyed being on the top side of that nailbiter.

Elsewhere, 5 Fingers, Pain, Bomb Squad, and Suffering held serve as overwhelming favorites to win their respective division titles. There were no upsets or otherwise unexpected results in the middle divisions except for the one mentioned above. Expect Infected to retool and come strong next time out, however.

Bomb Squad 2 and 9 Planets continued their strong runs with expected titles, and Nest of Vipers clinched the first of the SOB family's two division titles in D12. There was an upset in D13 where Agents of Skyside finished ahead of Los Jefes, while D14 saw Ivalice Alliance achieve their second championship title.

Never Miss, Songs of Summer, and Gulf Attack took titles in D15, 16 and 17 respectively, capping the "Who are those guys" divisions.

And to wrap things up, it was easy as pie for the Team Cobra outfit as they outmaneuvered the power micro teams in D18.

The next LW tournament is scheduled for October (another Halloween theme, perhaps?) but before then, the first Skirmish event is slated to take place - and it could very well serve as the first stage in a potential revamp of team rankings for future LW tournament events. All we can say is, stay tuned.