Saturday, May 7, 2022

Coloring contest: With mp prizes!

 Well, it's that time again, grab those finger paints, crayons, and Microsoft Paint....yes it's time for another coloring contest. Yes, I am calling it a contest, not just event. This time, there will be winners and prizes for winning. But, more on that later. 

As always, I am providing pencil sketches by me (Dan Peyton) that I have used for various power cards and/or raid bosses. The base image is often very simple, a figure drawing of a model. This is why some of the sketches look nearly naked, (no giggling...I heard you, Angela). You may also note that there are sketches that have been part of coloring events I've already held. I want to give you a lot of options since there will be a contest. However, do not simply repost old art you already submitted to a former event. It all needs to be new. 

Now, about the contest: First things first, EVERYONE who enters will get a 10mp card per entry, up to six. So, if you feel you can't compete, you can still enter something. How the contest will run...I will select my favorite images I feel are the best. Then, I will put them up for a vote. The top three winners will be turned into power cards. Each winner will also be given a copy of their power card and 120mp. (Note: If you decide to add outside images onto the sketches, if those images are licensed they cannot be made into power cards and thus will be disqualified from the contest.)

  • Select a picture from the posted images below. Color it however you wish. You can print it off and add color physically. You can use digital programs like Adobe, Procreate, Painter, and/or Microsoft Paint to add color. 
  • PG-13 or better, keep it family friendly.
  • Post the finished pics under the main thread on the Heroes Rising Players page.
  • Post your PLAYER ID# with every picture you submit. Do not assume we know your number.
  • You will earn a 'good job' power card worth 10mp for each of the first 6 images you submit. Any past 6 will not count.
  • Please turn them in on or before May 31st.
