Thursday, October 19, 2023

Furious Aid

Furious Squirrel #12351

Furious Squirrel piloted his battle dirigible over Atlanta, scouting for potential crimes. With BADGE focused on Lady Echidna, a few local wannabe supervillains had been stirring up trouble. Fortunately, Furious's mere presence sent these rats into hiding. The sight of a high-powered war dirigible in the sky was more than enough to scare them off.

Then the call came in, "Black Alert!" Justin was calling for the top-tier alert for all heroes. This was drop-what-you're-doing and respond or we all die. Only when the world was at its utmost danger would this kind of alert be summoned.

Turning his dirigible to a course for the specified coordinates, Furious pushed her into high gear. Minor villains would have to wait, this was far more important.

"What monster has Lady Echidna brought out of the history books this time?" He wondered to himself.
He was half an hour into his flight when he got a direct call. The BADGE comm system activated.

"Furious, are you there?"
It was Strange Quark.

"This is Furious, what do you need?"

"I got Justin back to the station and the situation is really bad. Midgard has been turned into the real World Serpent that was buried under that arrogant facade. He could kill us all if we don't find a way to stop him."

"Oh crud. What do you need me to do?" Furious had visions of them asking him to take on a nuke and drop it on Midgard's head, though that might just make him angrier.

"I'll be on your ship right away. We have a plan that just might work."
There was a strange blue light and suddenly Strange Quark was on his bridge, still holding his wrist comm where he had been talking to Furious.
"Oh, uh, hi." Furious clicked off his comm.
Quark said, "Good. Okay, here's the plan. I'm going to teleport this ship to Neo Utopia where we are going to pick up our secret weapon." "What secret weapon? My lower cannons are only good for energy weapons, and very specific projectiles on the upper cannons."

"Not that kind of weapon. Just wait, you're gonna love this."

Quark opened a hole in the sky and the dirigible slid right through, moving from the coast of America to the heart of Neo Utopia, hundreds of miles in the wrong direction.

"There, the Hospital helipad." Quark pointed out the window.
Sure enough, the Neo Utopia General Hospital's helicopter pad was clear and several people were standing there, waiting. The Dirigible lowered down enough to let on these passengers. Two men were escorted onboard by a small team of police.

"This place is nice. I could use a ship like this in my operations." Rutkowski, the mafia super-villain looked around at the ship. Private Eye Peyton said, "You wouldn't know what to do with it. This is specialized equipment." "And just what do you know about it, gumshoe?" Rutkowski shot back.

Furious, who had a hand on his steampunk gun, said, "What is going on?"

Quark said, "Midgard is too big. The heroes will never be strong enough to take him down. But, if we are able to slow him down, then we stand a chance." "Dats where we come in. Peyton and I will use our special abilities to slow time down for Midgard..." Peyton said, "While leaving him open for attack. So, the heroes can still take him down while he won't be able to respond."

"Okay, but why use my dirigible for this? Couldn't you just zap them there?" Furious asked Quark.

Quark answered, "Midgard is connected to powers and magics that are deeper than anything I have ever seen. He is not just a morphon hero or even a magic creature like EB, he is something... superior.

If he even thought I was bringing these two in for this, he would smash them before they could use their powers." Peyton said, "We have to see what we're targeting before we can really use our powers. So, it will take a second. By arriving on this dirigible, it will appear you are just joining the battle and he'll not pay special attention to you fast enough." Rutkowski grinned, "We get a good sight of him long enough, and boom, he's frozen and da heroes get to do what da heroes do best."

Furious got the picture. "I see. So, I need to be ready for a fight. Alright, then, you guys go get my cannons loaded and make sure the rayguns are at full power and the cannons are loaded. Normally, I have a few minutes before I get into battle to get my weapons ready. But, I will be arriving in a flash, so I need to be ready now." He pointed at the police.

The police looked confused. Peyton waved at them, "Don't worry, I can show you. I helped Furious out before." Quark said, "I'll give you ten minutes to get ready. We can't wait much longer, a lot of people are in danger from this battle."

Rutkowski said, "Just make sure BADGE takes note of all my generous help."
"Don't worry, I'll make sure you get what's coming to you." Quark said.
"I don't think I like the way you said that."

With Peyton and Rutkowski standing on the bridge, Furious readied his engines. Strange Quark had positioned himself on top of the balloon. The police officers had all been placed in gunner positions on the raygun turrets and in the torpedo bays.

Pulling a pipe down, Furious spoke into it which projected outside. "We're ready!" Quark's voice came through, "Full speed ahead!"

"Hold onto something," Furious informed his guests and then shoved forward on a lever and held the wheel. A fracture in space opened in front of them and the dirigible plowed forward, shifting halfway across the planet in one second. The serene world of Neo Utopia was replaced by a monster battle over a cold ocean. Heroes swarmed around a Midgard that was bigger than anything anyone had ever seen.


Peyton and Rutkowski both turned black and white as their bodies emitted a strange energy. Peyton held up his left hand while Rutkowski held up his right. Their eyes were glowing white as they took hold of Midgard's position in time. The horrible monster flickered and slowed down, then stopped moving altogether. Peyton spoke through gritting teeth, "TAKE HIM DOWN!" Rutkowski, in a grunt, added, "We can't hold him for long!"

Furious yelled into his command pipe, "ALL WEAPONS FIRE, FIRE, FIRE!"

The raybeams and missiles flew out from his dirigible while the heroes outside followed along with their own powers. Poor, frozen Midgard was now at the mercy of many, many enemies who were open to attack.

"KEEP IT UP!" Furious called out and then pulled a lever that opened up his super ray gun attached to the bottom of the ship. With a hard slam against a button, the main weapon went off and sent a powerful beam right at Midgard's chest.

The massive serpent exploded with a flash of light and a wave of energy that toppled every hero out of the sky, sending the dirigible out of control.

Both Peyton and Rutkowski were tumbled all over the pilot house, while Furious held onto the wheel for dear life. Yanking hard on the steering, Furious was able to stabilize them.

"Anyone hurt?" He asked.

Rutkowski, wincing, said, "Oh, dat's gonna leave a mark."

Peyton asked, "Did we get him?"

"I don't know." Furious slapped his comm, "Justin, Gar, anyone, what's going on?"

Justin said, "Midgard has been taken down. See how you can help, there is a lot of damage and hurt civilians and heroes."
Rutkowski grabbed Furious's comm, "I ain't no nurse, Justin. I want to go home! I did my job!"

"You'll get back home, just let us do our job." Justin cut off the signal.

"Bah! That bloated jerk." Rutkowski muttered.

Peyton said, "I'll check on the police officers, you might want to find a place to land and see what BADGE needs you to do."

"I'll get on it."