Wednesday, December 6, 2023

A Hanzo Ninja Clan Special: Charge The Wall


With the onset of raids and Supercharges, the need for level camping to stay competitive is no longer your only option. For free and budget players, the advantages of leveling now outweigh the advantages of level camping.
For one thing, higher levels mean more powers, more gear, better careers, and better raid damage. But that's not the only reason to power level. 

You may notice some of the top players pushing the wall. Some of these player's toons don't really need to push the wall to still be competitive with their peers, because they're just that strong. But even after hitting the wall, if you pay attention, you'll discover these players at the wall keep gathering experience points even though they don't count towards leveling once they are at the wall. So why do they do it?
Instead of gaining experience points, players at the wall get what is called Super XP, a special currency used in a "secret" store only available to those who have Super XP collected. This special store has some interesting options. Players can trade Super XP for Bux, Crystals, and AMA currencies. 
One can also buy a coupon that adds an additional 5% to any MP purchase you make within a 12 hour period. 

This coupon can be stacked with the coupons from the Badge Perk: High Roller for even more MP.
But, imo, the best thing to purchase there is the powerhouse defense card The Wall. If you're a free or budget player, pushing the wall is a huge boon to your ability to easily acquire more power cheaply. Even untiered, it is a vastly strong card. It sells for 10 MP, so can be used to convert Super XP into MP as well, though, at only 10 MP, this is not an efficient way to gather MP. It is far more valuable to keep. Cost to tier is 40 MP.

It's time to stop camping and time to charge the wall.