Saturday, December 2, 2023

Fan-Fiction: Continued Tales of a Visionary

A past vision of a Visionary

The feeling was uncomfortable, but it wasn't painful. Elijah saw fast-moving clouds of grey but nothing else - not a bird, plane, or even the ground. He wasn't quite sure of where he was, only that he felt somewhat disoriented. He tried to turn but everything was the same, seemingly floating along an endless current of grey clouds in an even greyer sky.

He wasn't dead, he was nearly certain of that. Ever since discovering his ability, he had done enough studies on other people with abilities to appreciate that there were others who reported feeling as though they were in another plane of reality, whether it was a mental sensation, or a physical move like teleportation. Elijah tried to close his eyes, but the grey seemed all-encompassing. He began to count, but couldn't make it to six before he lost track of the next number. Thoughts flickered and fluttered.

An aircraft scarcely larger than a large jeep tumbled towards ground, its small engine engulfed in flame. Behind is sped a fierce-looking demon, wings peeled back and amber eyes burning with rage. It shrieked as it was intercepted by a bolt of brilliant fire, shot out from the fists of a man wearing a white top and red trousers. The man immediately raced towards the now downed vessel, then proceeded to tear the roof off. A shorter woman leapt out and ran to a comparably safe location on what was clearly a battlefield.

As Elijah scoped his environment, he realized that it was no ordinary battlefield, but a complete and total warzone. Men, women, creatures, vehicular armaments and giants littered the area haphazardly. He found himself running in the direction of a young woman with a pixie-cut hairstyle, wearing a yellow bodysuit with blue trim, who was generating a large reddish energy shield to protect against a volley of explosive blasts. Without blinking, Elijah shot an energy wave of his own, and was surprised to see that it was a totally unfamiliar colour, shape and style. He thrust his other hand out, to the same effect. The enemy forces retreated, allowing the young woman to draw back her shield momentarily.

"Valina! The prince -" Elijah found himself shouting.

"He's alright!... for now!" the woman shouted back. "But we need to get the others away, he's surrounded on all sides..."

"I'm right behind you! Go!" he called out.

Valina motioned to the other man, the one with the fire-generating ability, and he immediately jumped forwards, trails of fire left in his wake. Valina quickly took flight, flanking the fire-wielding man.

Elijah ran, quicker than he thought he could ever run, but was trailing his allies by some distance. He looked left and right, observing the continuing carnage without pausing his dash. Eventually, he reached the others who were in the midst of a melee.

Valina had engaged a grotesque, extremely large creature. She fired energy beams which drove the creature backwards. It snarled and cursed in a strange language, before opening its mouth wide and emitting a white energy blast. Valina ducked quickly and rolled to her left.

Another large behemoth, slightly taller and stronger-looking, slashed with muscular yet jagged arms, at a young man who wore a navy blue battle suit. This man wielded a pair of short swords, and used both to deflect the brutal swing of the monster. It reared up as if to jump in the sword-wielder's face, then was struck by a barrage of fireballs. It stumbled backwards as the fire-wielding man charged in.

Elijah ran towards the centre of the melee, only to see a man wearing red armour and blue armoured trousers along with a blue cape, reeling under an onslaught of energy beams from a towering figure, its suit fully black and face enclosed by a black helm. Elijah sensed that this was the most evil force in all of existence.

The black-helmed figure turned and fixed his gaze on Elijah. The caped warrior dropped to a knee, trying to catch his breath.

It spoke slowly, sinisterly. "You... You and your warriors are done."

"We will never be done," Elijah said with pride.

"They call you the Visionary," it replied, "But after all these centuries, your end is here. Your vision ends here. Your cycle of renewal will fail today."

It charged, quicker than light. Elijah, transfixed by the words of his assailant, tried to raise an arm.

It was futile. His world went white, then he saw himself falling to ground. He saw sky overhead, but could not move a muscle.

Voices around him.

"Stop him now!"

"We will triumph!"

"Macaia, try and keep him alive!"

Elijah groaned.

He blinked. He saw a fire trail, bright as the sun, as the man in white and red soared above him. Elijah thought, I got us some time.

His vision darkened. He had felt pain, but it was receding.


Somewhere in Antarctica, a man, covered in warm blankets, was quickly hauled onto a gurney and taken to a BADGE shuttlecraft. His life signs were faint, but his pulse appeared to be picking back up. On the other end of his comms, a female voice was pleading for someone to talk to her.

--- Visionary

--- ID: 35977