Thursday, December 29, 2022

Origins of the New Mythics - Chapter One


by Myth-X


Mychael read the invitation again as he stood outside of the door to the Rho Alpha Delta, or R.A.D., fraternity house, wondering why he would have been summoned to join their New Year’s Eve festivities. He didn’t participate in any of their events during Rush Week. He didn’t know any members, that he knew of. In fact, before he got the letter, he never heard of the group.

                “What do I have to lose?” Michael asked, emboldening himself to walk up the stairs to the front door. “Could be fun, right?”

                The house was quieter than he expected as he walked up the stone steps, but the three-story house was constructed out of large stone bricks making it virtually soundproof. The stained-glass windows bore metal grates over them, giving the entire building a medieval cathedral vibe. Two upright mastiff figurines completed the aesthetic as they flanked the entrance like guard dogs.

                If it weren’t for the flashing lights twinkling behind the windows and the long red carpet flowing from the door to the street, Mychael wouldn’t have believed any social event would be taking place inside. A hand-scribbled note on college-lined paper hung on a golden chain in the statue to the right’s mouth.

Music is loud. Don’t knock. Come on in.

                If his flight hadn’t been canceled for his trip back home for the holidays, Mychael would never have been here. He far preferred quieter, more cerebral activities. Board games or trivia contests with his small group of friends. Playing poker and winning extra bux while fleecing entitled rich kids who had the funds to burn. Solving crossword puzzles from the Sentinel News’s all-time hardest collection his parents sent him for Christmas. Mychael ran his thumb over the lucky totem on his keychain kept in his coat pocket.

                Even though luck couldn’t be proven by any mathematical equation he’d seen so far, he believed in it. Luck never guaranteed the certainty of good things, but it did explain some of the more unexpected results in his young life. Praying to it never hurt either.

                Out of habit, he politely knocked on the heavy wooden door and waited for a response, which didn’t come, before opening it. As soon as it cracked open, loud music burst out into the quiet night air. If it had been possible, the stone statues might have winced as the wall of sound struck them. He recognized the song, a popular E.D.M. number called Heroes Rising by Darksound. A large group of people danced in the room past the small alcove of the entranceway, their hands bearing Solo cups of every color held high in the air.

                Mychael slipped in and closed the door behind him, not that anyone seemed to notice him. He saw an empty set of pegs on the wall to his right, recognizing it as a place to hang garments. He moved his keys to his pants pocket and shrugged his coat off, grateful to find a place to hang it. The music continued to play loudly as the horde of people danced in the next room, which spurred a question in Mychael’s mind.

                Why weren’t there other outside clothes hanging here with so many others in the house? And why could he hear the music but no other sounds coming from the party? No shouting? No calling out? No YOs, BROs, or F$&#s which were the nature of people his age?

                Something grabbed his arms, pulling them behind his back as rough cloth engulfed his head. He struggled, but being more brains than brawn, he couldn’t break free. A strange, unpleasant chemical smell filled his nostrils, making breathing even more difficult within the bag tightly pulled over his face and taught at his neck.

