Sunday, December 4, 2022

ST Michael: Fanfiction Continued "THE RIFT"

ID: 14267

It was time to head out. It had been an interesting mission I went on; it was quite an adventure. Benah was an interesting man and well in tune with the earth as well as the spiritual world. I enjoyed the time I spent getting to know him. He taught me much about herbal medicine. I was off to check with heaven so where I was needed next. I wonder where going now things just seem to be getting worse with wars and diseases. As I landed at the gate, I was immediately greeted by Gabriel. “Good you here just about ready go looking for you already the rest of Generals.” “What is going on,” I asked. “It will be discussed in the war room.” “It was only right you be you being head general in all.” We entered a room through a set of double doors. The others sure enough already in the room waiting by a huge table in the center of the room with what appeared to be generated detailed map of Earth. “Ok now that everyone is here let’s begin.” “I received troubling news that there have been earth devastating earthquakes in north Africa. “Said Jesus “What does this have to with us generals, there are guardian angels and other angels that can easily take care of this matter.” “Hold your tongue Uriel do you not know to whom you speak? I said as I about drew his sword. “Easy Michael calm down,” said Gabriel. I meant no disrespect or anything or disregard for trouble and hardship of the humans, but we are stretched thin as it is demons running amuck.” “It is unusual for there to be earthquakes there it is not close to a tectonic plate.” Raphael blurted out. Jesus began again “Raphael is right, it is unusual.” Let our prince speak,” said Azrael “It has come to my attention that a huge rift or portal an opening to hell itself has opened up there, and hordes of demons or pouring out of it. “Only lesser and minor demons have been able to escape hell through small tears as of late, but I’m concerned with this huge the stronger and greater ones will soon escape.” “We need to fight the hordes to prevent as many as we can from escaping and close the rift, I already sent a few legions to fortify a position around the rift in hopes to prevent any loss and destruction.” I leave you to discuss a plan I am needed in the throne room.

As Jesus walked by me, he whispered in my ear. “Help unite them, Michael, show them strength and hope and most importantly your mercy and understanding.” “They will look to you in the coming times being General and warrior my father created you to be. “You mean our father,” I said. “Yes.” He chuckled and padded me on the shoulder and left. “All right, we need find come up with a plan quickly.” I said “I feel that we should….” “I just came from there seeking assistance we need to release the Furies, I tell you.” Gabriel said hold he tried to hold back anxiety breathing heavily. “It must be done.” He repeated. “That crazy Gabe you mind as well go to seal master and break a seal and blow your trumpet to even think to release the three Furies!” said Azrael “I’m the angel death and seen my share but does not hold in comparison what furies would do if they were released.” “Azrael is right the furies are as humans saying a nuclear option, I motion we take that we take all the legions and finally take the fight to them and end this war now.” Said, Uriel “You fool, countless innocent lives would be lost if they were left unattended by their guardian angels, mark my words they are whom Lucifer wants the most.” Said Raphael. “Who are you calling a fool you spineless pacifist? “Said Uriel “You both acting like fools.” Said Azrael.” “THAT IS ENOUGH!” I yelled. “I understand your sense of urgency Gabriel but we need to come up with a better plan that doesn’t further the risk of loss of more lives.” “As for Uriel Raphael is right are duty and foremost is to protect the humans and we can’t do that properly if we are all concentrated in one area.” As for the rest of you enough with name-calling.” “Uriel and Azrael each take a legion with you and access the situation and further fortify and contain the area while the rest of us come up with a solution to seal the rift. “Will do they both said.” One of us will report back if anything major develops. “Uriel said.

“Remiel you have been quiet this whole time what are your thoughts.” “I can come up with a way to seal the rift, my staff, possibly, but I implore you don’t release the furies I Know of the strength and ferocity they are confined in chains in purgatory serving as purifiers in purgatory alongside me.” I see duly noted.” I said. Just then an angel came into the room.” “Sir I’m here to report the recent developments of the rift and the area surrounding it.” “Let’s hear it.” The perimeter is holding study no major movement of demons they have stopped it seems like they are waiting for something.” “Also, a group of humans who called themselves the evidently the Seraphim Guard.” “You heard of them, sir?” “Yes, part I have are a military division of a secret organization called the Fire Shepherds.” “It is a large organization that does charity and helps fight for civil rights and provides medical aid and assistance and most importantly fights and pursues demons.” “They are made up of people of all walks of life doctors soldiers or average people you see and even multimillionaires no one knows their identities they all wear masks with various biblical quotes.” “Michael this is interesting all, but we need to come up with a plan.” “I apologize was shocked to hear of them I encountered them in their early founding I met their leader, don’t know his name I helped train him in the ways of hunting demons his mask read let me see if I remember Luke 12:49-53 definitely a chilling passage to match his conviction the cause.” “What I’m trying to say is they are valuable allies with them I think we have a chance.” “Here’s what we do take group are best fighters and with a wedge formation press through the horde to rift and Remiel will be escorted to rift to close it, while rest of the remainder of the joint forces will be maintaining the perimeter and provide ranged support.” “That should work.” Said, Gabriel. “We have a plan then.” Said Azrael. “All agreement then.” “Yes.” They all said in unison. We walked together in departed the war room. Hoping with deep sense of dread that their plan of theirs will work