Saturday, January 20, 2024

Heroes Rising Fiction: The Prophecy of Ragnarok Part 5


Nova stood in the snows of Antarctica, looking at the impressive domed New Meta City. A powerful energy shield flickered over it and the metal plating system was fully intact and energized. They were at the top of their defenses. Smoke billowed out of the former turrets that were all destroyed, as well as the communication tower that was now scattered across the ice planes.

The commander of the mercs approached, “Sir, we are showing the energy defenses of New Meta City are currently over-charged. It will take much stronger firepower to disable them. We need to contact Lady Echidna and ask her for help.”

Nova let no emotion slip out of his face as he spent time looking at the city before him. Then he turned and said, “We don’t need her. I’m fully capable of taking this down.”

The commander did not show any confidence in Nova’s statement. “Still, I will contact Lady Echidna about the situation.”

Nova turned on him so suddenly the man nearly fell over. With a swift motion, Nova had the comm unit in his hand and clicked it off. “You will take my orders.”

“Yes, sir.”

Nova dropped the comm unit in the snow and held out his hand. A hilt appeared in his palm and from it grew a strange and beautiful sword that was far larger than most people could hold in one hand. On it flickered energy. “Tell the others to gather and get ready for what comes next.”

“Yes, sir.” The commander turned and gave signals with his hand, leading the others to gather quickly and stand in uniform lines, weapons at the ready. He finished his orders by saying, “The people under this dome are all morphonic in nature, but have not been inoculated against the Anti-Morphon Guns. We will vaporize them on contact. Focus on your firepower, not knives or fists. I want every last man, woman, and child turned to dust as soon as that dome comes down. Is that understood?”

A resounding voice bellowed in unison, “Yes, commander!”

Nova turned and gave the city one last look as he held his sword, ready for the strike.


Justin held the box with the scroll inside as he and EB stood on the deck of the BADGE naval vessel. Arx had command and was directing his people while they resurfaced from their mission. A blue portal opened wide and became solid like glass, with the other side showing the Operations center of the station. Strange Quark, holding a martini, waved them through.

Justin and EB stepped through, traveling a great distance in a moment. Both paused and became dizzy. Chase caught Justin while EB flopped on the ground.

EB muttered, “I hate that portaling of yours, Quark. It always messes with my head.”

Quark leaned over and looked at the small bunny. “It works.”

“Yeah, but I always feel like I’m gonna lose my carrots.” He got up and cleared his throat. “But it goes away quickly.”

Gar, standing in the front of the room, asked, “Is that it?”

Justin held up the box. “Yes. Right here. Let’s get into the conference room.”

Everyone gathered in the main meeting room on Level One of the station. Torrik was already inside chatting with Dr. Henderson. Justin walked in and set the box in the middle of the table.

“Glad you could make it.” Justin looked at Torrik.

The Satyr said, “I finished helping replenish the lands for the herders. I could do more. But, I think the land will do fine on its own now. Nature is best left to its own devices.”

Dr. Henderson asked, “Is that what Nova wanted us to find?”

Justin said, “We think so. EB recognizes a symbol on the inside belonging to Nova.”

Chase asked, “What is it?”

Justin opened it and took out the marble scroll case and set it on the table. “This. And, I cannot open it.”

Dr. Henderson punched a few keys on the computer in the room. “Sensors show incredible amounts of arcane energy infused in that. I don’t like these levels. It could be some kind of destructive device.”

EB said, “I don’t think so. Nova wanted us to find this, and he planted it a reeeeealy long time ago. Back before the bitc....uh....Lady Echidna messed him up.”

Gar asked, “What would he hide inside that?”

Justin said, “I don’t know. Torrik, if this is magical, can you open it?”

Torrik put a hand over the scroll case and closed his eyes. “I don’t know. This is old and powerful magic. I haven’t felt anything like this before. I’m a nature mage, not a true wizard. This is advanced magic.”

“Lemme try.” EB hopped up on the table.

“You?” Torrik almost laughed.

EB gave Torrik a smug look. “I’m a lot more than a cute little bunny. Now, stand back and watch.” He put his paws out and sensed the magic. “This is covered in extremely powerful magic. This is like really, really good stuff. So pure. Wow, it kinda feels like Nova. You know, he has this feeling about him that just exudes power. . . and a slightly musty pine scent. I wonder what aftershave he uses. Or does he just smell like a pine forest in the distance? I miss that smell. Wow, that sounded kinda weird. . . “

“EB, focus!” Justin slapped the table.

EB grinned sheepishly. “Sorry. So, okay, lemme see.” He ran his paw over the surface several times and then said something in his magical tongue. Finally, he pulled on the side and the top came off as the light emanating from it died down. “There ya go.”

“How did you do that?” Torrik asked in genuine astonishment.

EB smiled brightly, “Toldja, I’m more than I appear.”

Justin carefully pulled out a rolled up parchment made of thick paper with a gold gilded edge. The silence in the group was palpable. He carefully placed it on the table and unrolled it. A shaking hand betrayed his nervousness right now. As he opened the scroll, the lettering on it appeared and it was a type of ancient hieroglyphic. The symbols beamed a golden hue for a moment and then rearranged themselves.

“What’s happening?” Gar asked.

Torrik said, “That is a language spell. The spell was written in a way that it would translate itself for whoever opened it. This is often used when the author doesn’t expect their writing to be read for a very long time, so long the reader couldn’t possibly translate it on their own.”

Chase asked Justin, “What’s it say?”

Justin was silent as the color drained from his face. His hand holding it open trembled even more. His eyes were glued to the text.

EB quietly asked, “Justin, is it that bad?”

Justin looked up, terror in his eyes. He said nothing, merely turned it around so they could read the text.

Gar read it aloud, “Greetings to whoever you are, I am sorry it has come to this. I am known as Nova. Whatever language that is that you are reading this, the word is New. I was called by another name long ago, but betrayed a sacred oath and split my soul. I sacrificed much for the wisdom to contend against Lady Echidna so that I could spend my eternity in this realm making up for helping her rise to power. However, if you are reading this, then time is almost up for this world and possibly this universe. I write this to warn you to be ready for what comes after this life. The end of time is at hand. The only reason to give up on hope is if Lady Echidna has returned and has obtained all four powers. With them, she will bring the end of days and I will not be able to stop her. My last wish would be to see my old friend Midgard one last time.”

There was a long silence in the room as the words sank in. Fear permeated the air, and hopelessness settled on them.

EB broke the moment by saying, “Now I’m really insulted. I am his BFF, not that snake.”


EB’s mouth hung open, possibly at Justin unleashing foul language, but mostly because the truth truly hit him. He meekly whispered, “But it can’t be. Nova has always protected this world from the end.”

Chase reached over and ran her hand over EB’s head, “He isn’t with us. . . not anymore.”


Deep in the south, the icy winds blew hard as the mercs waited on their leader to direct them to an easy victory. For a brief moment, Nova looked upward into the sky as though he saw something. However, he returned his gaze to the city before him.

Nova stood with his back to his legion, his sword held out to the side as his body grew brighter and brighter. Wings appeared on his back and his clothing changed. The surrounding winds shifted and swirled, controlled by the awesome power he tapped into.

With one last look up, Nova gave a little smile finally as he observed the dome before him. “This is for you, my lady.”
