Monday, January 29, 2024

(Player RP) - BREAKING NEWS!!! {PID#36312}


This is Rankin Phyle, reporting for HNN...
My friends, it is my duty to report that previously released news was, sadly, in error.
I have recovered evidence that the 'so-called' Zombie Virus aka Infection Z, does in fact exist, though not in the form that the CDC and other governmental agencies believed.
The Z virus is, in fact, a digital phenomenon... it is not an infection of the body, but an insidious program that takes control of a victim's mind, as well as their technology.
According to reliable sources, the original 'virus' was released by the Hacker known as Gamer G, utilizing an iPhone... it has since spread to other platforms, such as Android, and via wi-fi into other digital devices.
The virus is known to target mostly 'social media' platforms, such as X (formerly known as Twitter), Tic Tok, and Facebook.
There is currently no known way to reverse the infection, though anti-virus software is known to somewhat protect digital devices, slowing the spread of this insidious plague.
Reporting for Hero News Network...
This has been Rankin Phyle.
