Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Heroes Rising Fiction: Out of the Dark Ages Part 2


Nova quietly watched the screen as the orbs appeared over major cities, filling their video feeds. Sensor readings scrolled along the side of the screen.

Robot 10915 said, “Sensor are unable to penetrate the outer shell of the spherical object.”

Nova was about to suggest the next course of action when a familiar sound rang through the room. A dozen smaller screens with faces on them appeared along the bottom of the giant view screen. These were military leaders or national leaders of nations all over the earth.

“BADGE. What is going on?” A man with a thick Hindi accent demanded.

A man with a lot of decoration on his uniform yelled, “I want answers!”

Several more made the same bold statements, while Nova remained patiently silent.

After they had their say, Nova calmly answered, “We’re currently investigating the situation. So far, nothing bad has happened, only shocking.”

“Do we wait until one of them explodes or summons an army of gremlins?” The Secretary of Defense for the United States said.

Nova answered, “I’ll alert the leagues to monitor this and I’ll assign BADGE operatives to do a hands-on investigation. The moment we believe there could be a genuine threat, you will be told. All of BADGE resources will help evac citizens while the heroes deal with it.”

“Is that all you have?” The Canadian Prime Minister asked in a not-so-respectful tone.

Nova said, “It’ll have to do for now. Unless this situation changes, do not contact me about it until further notice.” He pressed a button on a panel and all the screens closed.

Gar timidly approached, “Director, was that the best way to handle that? We need a good image for the world.”

“We’ve saved this world so many times, we don’t need to tip-toe around with politeness while blow-hards treat me like a junior officer. We’ll do our job. Now, I need you to do something.”

“Anything.” Gar smiled.

“We have a growing class of people to assess, and I need all my best investigators up here. I want you to go down to the planet and work with Krystal Fae. Inspect these spheres and see what you can find up-close.”

“I will. But, why Krystal?”

Nova said, “She is an excellent investigator, which is why she is a talented journalist. Plus, she has an innate connection to arcane morphons.”

“Do you think this has something to do with morphons?”

Nova shook his head. “I don’t have any clear evidence. We can’t scan these damn things. But, morphon activity has increased and these spheres suddenly show up... there’s a strong chance that the two events are connected.”

Gar headed for the door, but then stopped. “Wait, where is Krystal Fae?”

“She was working with Torrik in North Onnotangu on the Recovery Project.”

“Right, I forgot. Okay, I’ll find them and investigate the nearest orb.”

“Get to it.”

Krystal Fae strolled through a beautiful vineyard that bristled with blossoms at this time of year. Row

upon row of grapes grew near a quaint little farm that had rested on this hill for three centuries. Torrik scrutinized the vines and smiled every few moments and then move to the next space.

“This is the most beautiful vineyard I’ve ever seen,” Krystal mused.

Torrik stood up and looked over the vast field. “This is what the care of a true satyr with nature magic can do.”

“But you hardly used any magic. You’ve been caring for this field for the past few months. And the fields of rice on the other side of Onnotangu, and those groves of pear trees, and the field of strawberries near the southern border.”

Torrik said, “All I did was help revitalize the soils and use some magic to encourage the early growth to get things started.” He took in a great breath and let it out slowly, “Makes me sad to go back to my job as a guardian and warrior. I love growing things.”

“I’m glad we’re helping this country move forward. Give this a year or two and they’ll have crops to export and grow their economy.”

Torrik nodded, “Yes. Such a sad story you told. A government so corrupt and controlling that the people were almost completely brainwashed to believe living in poverty, starvation, and under the thumb of dictators was normal. I’m glad to see that they have a good government now and a wise leader.”

“Shizue is the best. And, with a little help, they’ll build a fine nation under her.”

A woman walked up with gloves on. She bowed to them and then said, “Thank you. The vineyard is going to be thriving this year.” She spoke in the language of Onnotangu, but their translators could understand her.

Torrik said, “It should be fine. You might want to keep an eye on the bugs.”

“I will.” She bowed again. “Excuse me, your bag has been buzzing for two hours.”

“Our bag is buzzing?” Torrik frowned.

Krystal frowned and then gasped. “Our comm units. We took them off to keep them from getting dirty.” She ran over and opened up the satchel, pulling out their wrist comms. “Wow, we both have a dozen news alerts.”

“What are those?” Torrik joined her.

“BADGE sets all the comms to alert heroes to potential problems being reported by the national and international news services.”

“Well, what’s the news?”

Krystal handed him his unit, which he struggled to turn on. She activated hers and read over the news reports. “What’s this? It says there are metal orbs showing up all over the world, hovering over major cities.” She scrolled through it, “Oh, no. We also have messages from Prime Minister Shizue. I bet I know why.”

Torrik looked at his device and snarled, “I wish you people used magic glass and not this horrible stuff. I can’t figure it out.”

Krystal had hers up to her head, listening to the message on it from the Prime Minister. “Just what I thought. There is an orb over the capital and she’s worried.”

Torrik said, “I wouldn’t be too worried. If this was really bad, BADGE would have sent us an official message, or sent a shuttle with someone to take us to. . .”

They watched as a BADGE shuttle decloaked near them and lowered into an open grassy area.

“Good call,” Krystal muttered.

Gar stepped out of the shuttle and walked over. “Krystal, Torrik, I’m here to pick you up.”

“Where are we going?” Torrik asked.

Krystal read her missed message. “Apparently, we’re to investigate the sphere currently over the capital of North Onnotangu.”

“Yeah, that.” Gar said.

Torrik asked, “Why us? I’m not a scientist.”

Krystal added, “And I’m only a part-time BADGE agent. I have other duties.”

“Nova said that the regular agents are too busy. This doesn’t seem to be a big threat. He just wants someone to look closer than the sensors can read. Also, this might have something to do with the morphon increase, and he thought you and Torrik could sense something about that. He said you were a talented investigator as well.”

Krystal laughed. “I suppose if Nova will throw a compliment my direction, I should at least try. What do you say, Torrik? You’re a free agent, you don’t have to obey. You could stay here and tend your plants.”

Torrik shrugged. “The plants are doing fine. I don’t mind helping, though I doubt I can be of any use. I promised to offer my help for a few months before heading back to Yohan.”

Gar gestured toward the shuttle. “Then, we can go?”

“No need.” Krystal waved her hand and a magical portal opened.

“Nice. You have such a keen grasp of magic.” Torrik said.

“The ‘Fea’ in my name isn’t just for fun. Now, let’s move.” She walked through the portal, followed closely by Torrik.

Gar signaled the shuttle to leave, and he, too, followed them. The moment he stepped out of the portal, he was in the central square of the capital city of North Onnotangu. A team of officers of the new military waited while Prime Minister Shizue looked at the orb, with a few of her scientists examining it with instruments.

“Alert! Unauthorized use of morphonic powers! Alert! Unauthorized us of…” The speakers screamed this out with a rough sound of an old recording. Red lights flashed on top of poles and small turrets popped up from inside old boxes and aimed weapons at the trio.

“Wait! We aren’t villains!” Torrik yelled out.
