Friday, May 17, 2024

Heroes Rising Fiction: Out of the Dark Ages Part 5

 Nova waited while the large view screens populated with videos from around the world. Gar, Krystal, and Torrik stood behind him with EB hopping up and down excitedly. News services around the globe were all chattering in their various languages, all talking about the odd spheres appearing over their major cities.

“So, what do you think? Alien invasion, large bombs, or a publicity stunt?” EB asked.

Nova answered, “I have no idea.”

“Oh, come on, friendly bet. I bet you a bunch of chocolate eggs that this is some kind of publicity stunt. Like a movie is about to be released and they want everyone talking about it. Oh, Oh, Oh, I know, it’s a sports thingy. You know, balls. Hey, what if it’s women’s volleyball? Now, that’d be worth some international attention. Those babes, running around hot sands in tiny Sport. Ever.”

“You’re disgusting,” Krystal retorted.

“Hey, I enjoy the finer things in life, and a hot babe is one fine thing.”


Torrik was laughing.

Nova wasn’t paying this much attention.

The central window became active as the woman at the desk for the International News Network spoke.

“This is Liz Alcord with INN. We have a breaking story. An announcement is about to be made from the creator of the spheres that are currently causing a world-wide panic. We go live to the RTC Global Headquarters…” The video shifted to a meeting room in a large corporate building.

EB whispered, “RTC Global, aren’t they the ones who make Ren Phones?”

Nova’s glare turned decidedly annoyed. “Yes, they are.”

A voice spoke over the screen, “This is RTC Global.” The video shifted quickly to a pre-made promo-ad. Magnificent vistas of mountains, deserts, forests, and the ocean gave gorgeous views of the Earth while a bold, but beautiful woman’s voice spoke.

“In the year 1998, Global Cell and Internet was founded by Bob Willingsby. In 2010, GCI merged with International Wireless and became WiCel Incorporated. By the year 2019, the company gained a new identity as Renaissance Cell Tech Global, becoming the largest and most recognized technology

industry in the world. This year, one man stepped up to the position as CEO, a man who has driven the vision of this company to a place none of the founders ever imagined possible.” At this point, a sleek, smiling man with glowing white teeth, brown hair, and a sharp suit appeared with the sprawling natural scenes behind him. Adam Chorad, a visionary in his field and the man who holds the record for the highest wealth ever amassed. His changes to Ren Tech have given us the well-earned place as the most popular cell phone, tablet, and computer company in the world. Dr. Chorad continues to push boundaries forward with his vision of a future that will bring us all into a world that never imagined possible. We present, Dr. Adam Chorad…”

The view changed back to the conference room as cameras flashed and a sharp-looking man walked up to a podium.

“Thank you, thank you. Oh, don’t you just hate those promotional videos? Hahaha. Makes me out to be a legend. Hello, I am Dr. Adam Chorad, CEO of Renaissance Tech, as you just saw. I’m afraid that we unintentionally caused quite a stir across the planet over the past few days. I first want to extend my sincerest apologies. Yes, the finest scientists here at Ren Tech create the metallic spheres that have everyone so worried.”

He gestured to his side, and an image of one of those spheres appeared.

“You see, here at Renaissance Technologies we have a dream, bring the world out of the dark ages. My predecessor changed the name of this company to Renaissance because she believed that we always find ourselves mired in the past and start new, little, dark ages. It is the responsibility of companies like ours to push the new and remove the old. And that is what we are doing today. These spheres are special, new technologies that are self-powered, and might I add environmentally friendly, will provide both strong cell service and free wireless internet to all the world.” There were people in the audience who shouted up some questions, but he simply held out his hands to silence them. “I know the very first concern about that. Won’t this put a lot of businesses out of work? Yes, but only because they are not keeping up. We have no reason to destroy our competition. We are the largest and can handle competition. However, we also must keep moving things forward or risk letting the world fall into another dark age. Questions so far?”

A reported asked, “What sort of power source do these devices use? Solar?”

“No, solar power is good and efficient, but not efficient enough for our purposes. My scientists here at Ren Tech developed something spectacular. A new battery system that can self-charge. It is not ready for smaller tech, like tablets or phones, but it worked perfectly for the spheres. It harnesses the morphons from the atmosphere and turns that into pure energy. No emissions, no harm to the environment, and as far as we can tell, a limitless power resource.”

A woman asked, “What about the cost? How can you provide free services like this? What will your investors say?”

“Good question. Thank you for asking. As of one month ago, I am the sole owner of Ren Tech, having purchased seventy-three percent of the voting stock. That is how much I believe in this company. Also, that means I have the final say on all matters. I am, personally, worth more than one trillion dollars and this company is the first to reach 10 trillion in one fiscal year. Free Wi-Fi will hardly cause any strain on our bottom line. I believe we should stick to our mission statement and help bring progress to this world. That means thinking outside of revenue numbers. Thank you.” He waved and walked away from the stage, even though more questions were being asked.

Before the news analysts started debating opinions, Nova made a slashing motion across his throat and cut the sound.

“That is so cool. I mean, how nice of them. It’s always neat when big companies think of the little people,” EB said.

Krystal shrugged. “So, it was just a mistake. Nothing to worry about.”

Torrik said, “I don’t know. Something doesn’t feel right about all this.”

Nova turned and said, “I agree. I don’t like this.”

Gar asked, “What don’t you like about it?”

“First, BADGE scientists, who are some of the best in this world, have worked for years on ways to harness the power of the morphons. Outside of the interaction between certain people, morphons seem to be inert.”

EB said, “They cause those crystal things to grow.”

“True,” Nova said, “However, the fact remains that after all these years, the best minds I know have never found a way of harnessing the morphons for anything like this. Yet, scientist working for a cell phone company just happen to make that breakthrough in a few months.”

Krystal added, “Not only that, they find a way to turn it into power and build a power system to operate with them.”

“You see where I’m going.”

Krystal nodded. “We need to investigate this new tech and find out exactly what they are doing.”

Torrik asked, “What are you looking for?”

“Alien tech that is being misused, if this is a lie, or if this is true and they did exactly what they claim. We need to know the complete story. Morphons are on the increase for no reason and at the same time we have a company who miraculously comes up with tech to harvest them for power generation. Suspiciously coincidental.”

Gar asked, “What do you need us to do?”

Nova said, “Torrik, you go with Gar and Arx and keep working with the Restoration and Assistance program.”

“If this is a dangerous situation, don’t you need us on duty?” Torrik asked.

“This isn’t dangerous, just confusing. If it becomes dangerous, we will alert you. I still want BADGE out there, helping people and showing the world we are not just an army fighting bad guys.”


“EB, you will work with Agent Justin and monitor things up here. Get the station and BADGE ready, in case this turns out to be something dangerous.”

EB hopped up and struck serious poses with each bounce. “I’m on it. EB and Justin, the eyes on the sky, the commanders in charge of the army, always vigilant. We will keep things running and the moment the world needs us, we are there!”

Nova stopped him mid-hop by grabbing his ears. “Enough. Find Agent Justin and get him up here.”

“Sure thing, bud. But what are you going to do?”

Nova dropped EB, “Krystal Fae and I are going to pay Ren Tech a visit.”
