Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Heroes Rising Hall of Heroes

The Hall of Heroes is an in-game memorial for real-life players who are no longer with us. Located within the BADGE tab under BADGE HQ, you can enter the hall, read the tributes to the heroes and even add personal inscriptions.

If you are aware of any heroes that aren't already included please contact the developers via the Player Group.

Timothy Earl Wright (aka Spankymaster):
12 November 1966 - 29 June 2023

Sadly, Tim has gone from this mortal coil and now resides in a hero’s hall. There was one final battle he couldn’t overcome, he fell to the ultimate villain, cancer.

A daughter’s father, a teammate, a quiet influence, a friend. 159 mutual friends. I bet if you checked, you would see a similar, if not greater number.

An alumni of Super Hero City and once a valued officer of the 5th Precinct, he left this realm as a key member of the Disenchanted Brute Squad.

Solid and dependable, Tim was never one to shout from the rooftops about his achievements, his accomplishments. In game terms, he went about building Spankymaster into a well-known toon with quiet competence. Always willing to listen and contribute to tactical discussions, to be there when his team was at war. To be there when his team were just shooting the breeze.

Tim knew Spanky’s limits, he never overextended himself, or gave away cheap victories. He strove to be the best he could be at the level he fought at. He would do all that was asked of him. Solid… Dependable...

Tim is sadly missed. Gone, yet never forgotten.

(Written by John Wallace AKA Neach-dìon na h-Alba of the Disenchanted Brute Squad)

Michael Gibbon (aka Midgardsormr):
8 October 1961 - 5 September 2023

Mike was a contentious figure in the Heroes Rising Community, having one of the strongest toons in the game and an attitude to go with it! He was an ardent supporter of the game ever since its inception, supporting Nick's Kickstarter to get the game off the ground, and continuing to play until his final day on Earth. World Serpent Day is celebrated every October 8th (his birthday), as Justin fulfilled the Kickstarter Reward that Nick promised to him, where he got to create his own in-game holiday. Sadly, Mike left us on September 5th, the month before the innagural holiday celebration. You wouldn't want to get on Mike's bad side, and he could often be found berating others online, but there was a good deal of kindness under his rough exterior, and he would often offer assistance to other players and provide helpful ideas to improve the game. In many ways, Mike helped shape Heroes Rising, and is sorely missed.

Christopher Lee Evans (aka Krystal Fae):
4 April 1966 - 27 February 2024

Chris was a pillar in the Heroes Rising Community, contributing many pieces of writing and artwork, and prolific in the realm of Role Playing his character(s). His main toon was Krystal Fae, but he had recently started a new character who was canonically the husband of Krystal, Alex Fae-Murphy. Chris was a part of the game since the begining, helping with The Sentinel and Moderation in the Facebook Group, and generally being a great guy. Always was very kind and helpful, often messaging Justin with suggestions for Quality of Life improvements and bug reports. Chris helped shape Heroes Rising, from his many pieces of in-game content that will forever be in use, and by generally being a really nice guy; he is sorely missed.