Monday, May 20, 2024

Heroes Rising Fiction: Out of the Dark Ages Part 8

 Dr. Chorad’s office was as white and clean as the rest of this complex. It was more of a living room than an office, with a sunk-in central floor, kitchen, wet-bar, a fireplace, large television, couches, plants, and a desk set against a long set of windows that had a glorious view of the beautiful garden outside.

“Wow,” Krystal said upon first seeing this enormous space.

Dr. Chorad said, “Everyone has that same response. I entertained the Emperor of Japan last week and even he said that. Have a seat. The couches are amazingly comfy.” He walked over to the wet-bar and started pulling out bottles. “Care for a mixed drink? I make a mean martini.”

Nova stood near the couches and said, “I’m not here for a social call. This is an important matter. Dr. Chorad...”

“Call me Adam.”

Nova cleared his throat, “Adam, we need to have a serious discussion.”

“Yes, I know. You’re worried about my technology.”

Both Krystal and Nova were a little stunned by this. Krystal asked, “How’d you know?”

“Simple. Ren Tech is a telecommunications company in the market to sell trendy gadgets to customers across the world. Not something BADGE would have any need to worry about. However, my new sphere technology probably raised a few alarms, which brought you to my doorstep. Am I right?” He said this while mixing martinis and pouring them.

Nova said, “Mostly. We have some unique concerns regarding the tech as well.”

“I’m sure. Trust me, my people alerted me right away when heroes started inspecting the spheres and entire cities declared emergencies.” He walked over and set a tray of glasses down on the coffee table and then sank into the overstuffed couch. “Look, the truth is, I’m seriously upset about the whole situation. Probably more than you.”

“I doubt it.” Nova finally sat down across from Adam on the circular couch.

“Rest assured, the situation was not arranged for publicity. I know that’s what you’re thinking. I had this whole news conference prepared with fanfare and lots of free stuff. We were going to head to New York, set up a stage in Central Park, and make a big show of revealing the spheres to the world all at the same time. I even had this comically large button to press. This is my gift to this world, not some stunt to increase our stock value.”

Nova mulled that over for a moment in one of his famous long pauses. Finally, he said, “I believe you.”

“Oh, good. I was hoping you would. I really did not intend to scare the world. These spheres represent a passion of mine.”

“And what would that be?” Nova asked.

“I believe education is key to raising communities out of poverty. However, that is hard in the places were services like the internet and phone lines are too expensive, or completely impossible. These spheres will extend our tech all over the world in a wide net that will connect everyone. People can share knowledge freely, without worrying about costs. I’m even offering grants to nations to help them supply tech to the underprivileged sectors.”

“How magnanimous.” Krystal picked up a martini from the tray, her tone betraying a little skepticism.

Adam laughed, “Fine, the grants are a giant tax write-off. But that’s to be expected. I may be generous, but not foolish. However, you understand I didn’t mean to cause any alarm. My teams are still investigating why the decloaking activated prematurely. They also started connecting to wireless sources early as well, which caused even more trouble in places.”

Krystal said, “That explains why the archaic wireless tech in North Onnotangu activated.”

“Yes, I heard about that. I hope no one was hurt.”

She shook her head. “Nope. They had already removed the weapons from the systems. Just loud sirens.”

“Glad to hear it.”

Nova said, “There is one other issue I’m here to discuss.”

“Shoot. Oh, if you want to incorporate Ren Tech into BADGE comm systems, that is something we would love to work with you on.”

“No, this isn’t about that. Morphons power your spheres.”

Adam smiled sheepishly. “It is one feature that makes them so efficient. They can run continuously, no need for recharging.”

Krystal said, “How did you figure that tech out? BADGE scientists have been working on studying morphons for years now and we have nothing that can use them as a power source.”

“That, my dear, is a company secret. As you can imagine, such technology would cause quite a stir in competitors who would love to have access to it.”

Nova said, “I want to know how it works?”

“Ah, no. That is a secret that Ren Tech owns.”

“Morphon studies and tech are under the scope of BADGE...”

Adam said, “Actually, that isn’t quite true. Trust me, I had my legal team comb all the laws pertaining to morphons, both national and international laws. You see, BADGE may keep tabs on people who have morphonic powers, and BADGE has the right to information regarding morphons effects on humans and the environment. However, BADGE has no legal authority to obtain information about morphons as used in technology, as long as that technology poses no threat to the planet or the people on it. I can have our lawyers come and explain this in their legalese. It’s boring, but they get the point across clearly.”

Nova kept his calm, but his irritation was evident. “Look here, Dr. Chorad, morphons aren’t something to toy around with. This isn’t like solar or wind power. These particles are still a relatively unknown substance that we are just beginning to study. Using them as a power source could prove dangerous.”

“And, my scientist disagree.”

Krystal interjected, “They also applied atomic energy before fully understanding it. Many people suffered and died because they didn’t know the true depth of how dangerous the radiation really was.”

Adam held up his hands. “Please, let’s be friends about this. I mean no harm and we have done extensive tests on this technology. This wasn’t just thrown out there without some kind of thought put into it. If it will make you feel better, I will ask our scientists to send all the data on our tests regarding the impact of the technology on people and the environment. You can have your people look it over. If you find any problems, I mean any at all, let me know and we will work with you to solve them. If you find there is a legit danger posed to anyone or anything, I will shut them down immediately.”

Nova said, “Fine. That is a start. Just get me that promise in writing, signed. One flaw, one inkling of a problem, and I will have you shut them down.”

“We agree, then.” The doors of his office opened. “Oh, look, lunch is here. Great, I’m hungry.”

Arnold walked in with a tray that had several boxes on it. “Let’s see, your regular lunch, Doctor. Nothing for Director Nova, and a Greek lunch for Krystal Fae.” He handed her a box while saying, “Big fan, by the way. I read your articles all the time.”

“Oh, thanks. That’s why I write them.”

Nova had a scowl on his face as he watched Krystal sink down into a part of this huge couch and open up the box of lunch. This wasn’t supposed to be a social meeting, but Adam turned it into one. So, Nova asked a question he didn’t expect an answer to. “I’m curious about something else.”

“What’s that?”

“These spheres defy all attempts at scanning. None of our tech and even our BADGE heroes with unique powers cannot penetrate the surface with any form of sensor or scan. How did you manage that?”

“That’s another company secret. But, I can tell you why we keep it detection-proof. The stuff inside those spheres is some of the most advanced tech ever conceived. It revolutionizes a lot about telecommunications technology. My competitors would give anything to learn their secrets. I may be generous, but not foolish. Ren Tech is the hottest name in popular technology today, with the newest, most advanced stuff available… and I mean, to keep that standing for a long time.”

Nova wasn’t happy with that answer, but he accepted it. Before he could ask another, his comm activated. “Excuse me.” He stepped away to take this. “This is Nova.”

Justin came through, “Sir, we have an emergency. An ancient Legion Warship just entered Earth Space and is near the station right now.”

“We’ll be right there.” Nova clicked his comm off. “Krystal, we have to go now.”

“Something wrong?”

“Yes.” He looked over at Adam. “Thank you for your time. We will be in touch.”

“Anything I can do to help?”

“No. Just make sure BADGE gets that information you have.” He nodded to Krystal.

She packed up her boxed lunch and then stood up. “Let’s move.” She snapped her fingers and both she and Nova zapped back to their shuttle.
