Saturday, May 23, 2020

Hero Highlights- Timebender

Hello Heros, it’s that time again... and time is definitely on our subjects side...
Can you tell us your name, or would you prefer your Hero designation/code name?

My current hero designation is probably best, there are villains who might read this. I am known as Timebender.

Are you working thru B.A.D.G.E. or are you independent?

I have worked with B.A.D.G.E nearly from the start.

Are you currently in a League, and if so, would you care to tell us about it?

I am in 5th Precinct: Galactic. We are a police-affiliated organization that deals with problems of a larger scale. We are affiliated with many related groups with less developed abilities.

Can you tell us a little about your powers? Are all of your powers Morphon based?

My powers allow me control over space and time, they appear to be morphon based. I can speed my progress through time to achieve super speed, bend space to reduce or redirect gravity...or to teleport. I can create doubles of myself that are images, are parts of myself from the past or future, or are analogs of myself from other universes. I can bring energies from elsewhere or divert energies to elsewhere. I can even re-run sections of time...though not easily change what has already happened.

Do you have a sidekick?

Not yet, it is hard finding someone who can keep up with me.

Could you tell us a little about your origin?
I was one of the earliest humans exposed to the morphons, it took me a while to realize the extent of my powers.

What is your favorite piece of gear? Why?

Probably the Seed of Potential, it is what first taught me how to access my analogs.

Do you have any advice for new Heroes?

Make friends, they are how you succeed against big trouble.

Is there anything else you'd care to add?

Morphons may grant you power, but what makes you a hero is inside.
Thank you, Timebender, for taking the time to speak with us today.
Until next time, my friends.