Thursday, February 16, 2023


BY: Todd Goode id# 12205

Welcome to the WHRT 6 O'clock News. I'm your news anchor, Harry Wankman. Today in the news, numbers are the leading cause of statistics and ....

Hold on folks, we have a breaking emergency alert from NASA.

This is bad news folks, according to this, there is an asteroid headed directly for Earth and initial analysis are saying this asteroid is larger than the one that killed the dinosaurs.

NASA leaders are also saying that the world's Superpowers' have fired numerous nuclear warheads at the object and due to its enormous size and sudden appearance, attempts to destroy the asteroid or alter its course have failed.

I'm being told that the President will have a statement and will be speaking to the public in two minutes. This a somber moment in time folks. The end of all things.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, our president, President Franklin Hardwood.

I address you tonight not as the President of the United States, not as a leader of a country, but as a citizen of humanity. We are faced with the very gravest of calamities. What Mr. Wankman just reported is correct. This is a very dire situation. All of Earth's leaders' efforts have failed. It's still unknown where this monster rock came from. I have been told it just appeared mysteriously in an otherwise empty part of space. We are not giving up without a fight. We still have an ace left to play.

As some of you are already aware, there is an organization known as B.A.D.G.E. that has in the past been able to maneuver numerous anomalous situations and taken care of those threats.

I am aware that some think they cause more harm than good, but materials things can be replaced. The Earth cannot.

I have been assured that B.A.D.G.E. has created a new emergency defense system to prevent disasters such as this. They call it Atlas. I call it hope. They are our last hope to render this planet killing asteroid neutralized.

This will be the first test of this new system. The dreams of an entire planet are focused on these brave souls that traveling into the heavens to stop this, this Armageddon. As citizens of the world see this event through, God speed and good luck. MEANWHILE AT THE B.A.D.G.E. SPACE STATION .... Nova and Arx are watching the breaking news report.

"Nova! The world's governments are freaking out pretty bad. They have nearly exhausted most of their nuclear stockpiles and giving hope and good luck speeches. I think it's time," remarked Arx.

Nova replied, "Yes, It's time. Initiate Atlas."

Arx calls on Earth's heroes. He orders Quark and agent Justin to continue investigating the coordinates in space where the asteroid first appeared and let keep him apprised of what they learn. Someone or something has to be causing this.

Dr. Shapiro, I need you to run analysis on those crystals brought back earlier. See if they have any special properties of any kind. Arx radios some of Earth's strongest heroes,"Rakly, Hanzo, Death Punch, Island, Zen, Shinobi and Anomaly! Get up there and take lead. Make sure none of these new heroes make any mistakes. Figure out the best way to tackle this monster asteroid.

They all take off and rallied all of the other heroes together.

Rakly says, "I think the best way to do this is to have three platoons of heroes take positions around the asteroid at different intervals. That way the closest platoon, 1st Platoon, can concentrate fire on a bigger center mass and make the initial explosion. 2nd Platoon will make sure the largest chunks of the asteroid are destroyed and the 3rd Platoon will hang back the farthest and make sure any dump truck sized pieces are blown to bits. Any smaller pieces should burn up in the atmosphere."

"If your powers or suits enhance your attack strength take up the closest positions. It's critical that we hit this thing at full strength and take out as much as we can on the first attack."

"If your powers or suits can resist the physical effects of the asteroid take up the middle positions and if you have any movement speed enhancements, take the positions the farthest out and bat clean up."

"Okay, you have your orders, get into positions and start firing on my mark. So, keep your communicators on."

Rakly, Island and Death Punch took up 1st Platoon positions and reported aloud, "In position and ready!"

Hanzo and Shinobi took up 2nd Platoon positions and reported, "In position and ready!"

Zen and Anomaly took up 3rd Platoon positions, "In position and ready!"

Okay folks, this is it. It's time. Fire on my mark! 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... Mark! FIRE ON THE ASTEROID!!

After a few minutes of constant bombardment of the asteroid Rakly hollers out, "Are we doing anything? Are we even making a dent in this thing?"

Island replies, "It's getting a hot spot, shouldn't be much longer now to cause a fracture."

Death Punch breaks off from the platoon and flies closer to the asteroid and says, "I got this! I got the most power!"

Ralky replies, "Get back into proper position! We have to heat this thing up evenly or the asteroid will not break up into equal size pieces! This thing is already acting weird. It should have split apart already but it's just taking our blasts."

It was too late. Death Punch had already powered up and struck the asteroid with his strongest punch ever.

The punch exploded the asteroid apart unequally as suspected and the energy from the explosion sent a bigger part of the asteroid into Death Punch, both hurling through space away from Earth at an outrageous speed.

Rakly remarked aloud, "Death Punch! Report! Are you okay?" as he and everyone else shielded themselves from larger the chunks and shards of the asteroid.

There was no reply from Death Punch.

Island replied, "That guy just can't stick to a plan. His communicator is probably busted and may be floating away unconscious in deep space or both."

"You're probably right," replied Rakly,"but someone has to go and get him."

Rakly said, "Krystal Fae, I need you to catch up to him and take him back to med bay and get him checked out."

Krystal Fae said, "You got it, I'm on it. I'm going now."

"Death Punch may have a problem sticking to a plan but he at least one big chunk is safely flying away from the Earth," Martial Law replied as he took out five smaller chunks of asteroid.

Rakly spoke up, "Okay people! We still got two large chunks to take care of and countless smaller chunks. Hanzo! Shinobi! Take your platoons and pick a rock to take out. 1st platoon will split up and rejoin Ya'll."

Both Hanzo and Shinobi's platoons started to pick the two large chunks apart. The two chunks broke apart into smaller pieces. Some were still the size of skyscrapers and others about the size of a Volkswagen.

"Hey Hanzo! You seeing this? asked Shinobi. Hanzo said, "Yeah! I'm seeing all kinds of different crystals floating around when we blast a big chunk apart."

Well, grab a few as the fly by. We can add them to our rock collection when we get back. Once a rockhound, always a rockhound." Shinobi quipped.

Hanzo chuckled, "I got a hand full already and a lot of these crystals are different colors. There is also a bunch of powdered crystal along with bits of asteroid. Weirdly though, some of the crystal powder is sticking to my suit and some of the bits of asteroid almost seem to be avoiding our power blasts, like they are being controlled by something."

"Same thing over here!" Shinobi proclaimed. Shinobi got on the communicator, "Platoon 3, some of these chunks are getting past us and they seem to be sentient or at the very least, controlled by something or someone! Make your strikes count and take out as many as you can before they get close to you."

Zen and Anomaly, along with their platoons spread out and start blasting the leftover skyscraper sized remnants with amazing accuracy.

After blasting apart the biggest chunks of asteroid, 1st and 2nd platoons took up positions with 3rd platoon to eradicate the many larger chunks left.

Everyone but Midgardsormr struggled with the thousands of pieces of space rock, he took out the most but after an exhausting near twenty hours of nonstop blasting, the crisis was averted but not without a few scrapes and bruises.

"Great job everyone! Report back to the space station for decontamination then get checked out in med bay," Rakly exclaimed.

Rakly reported back to Nova, "The asteroid is destroyed but we need to look into the crystals that came from the asteroid and there is also some powdered crystal. I don't think it's good that the powdered crystal sticks to our suits. That's not all, some of the fragments of asteroid have a mind of their own. Some of the pieces dodge our blasts."

Nova was just about to summon Quark and Agent Justin when they sounded an alert.

"Nova! Our sensors are picking up another disturbance from the same coordinates as the asteroid we just took out and also, these crystals you have us analyzing are starting to glow a little." reports Quark.

Nova order Quark, "Lock down those crystals in the lab's safe room and tell me the second anything appears in that part of space." Rakly asked Nova, "How are Krystal Fae and Death Punch? They should have been back for a while now. I sent Krystal Fae to fetch Death Punch after he jumped the gun and went all gung-ho on the asteroid and the initial explosion blew Death Punch into deep space."

I can't say Rakly, they never made it back ......