Saturday, February 4, 2023

Febuary Fanfiction ST Michael: ENTER THE INFERNO

ID: 14267

As flew away since I feared and hoped the perimeter around the rift would hold till came with aid if I came with aid. I wondered if I was trading one problem for another if I release a fury or furies, I could have another problem on my hands that could cause wind spread destruction. Remiel was already at the entrance to purgatory. “I implore please do not release any of the furies they would rip the world apart before its time. As he said this a loud scream came from inside. “The faithful oh the faithful slaughtered must avenge them, burn them burn the heathen, avenge the fallen!!” “That would be Kaddoshiel the angel of the martyrs.” Said Remiel. He had a long shepherd crook in one hand with a tongue of fire in the hook. Then it came to me he is screaming that the perimeter was failing and people were dying to keep hold of it. Just then Jesus stepped in. “The battle isn’t going well many faithful are losing their lives in the effort to defend humanity from the darkness.” Sadly, many more fall in the coming battle ahead.” “This must in,” he said as walked toward Kaddoshiel and approached him and place his hands on his head. “So many faithful must, must avenge!!” “Ani mshukhrar otcha ( I release you),” Jesus muttered and with that, his chains flew off. “ akhshav kadima lharot lahem et hazaaam shel gan eden (Now go forth show them the fury of heaven). He cliched his shepherd crook. “Take me to the heathen.” I approached Jesus. “Our sure my prince one is enough to turn the tide. He chuckled softly and smiled. “No one all you will need.” With that he walked out. Remiel and Kaddoshiel flew and I flew off. I thought to myself I hope this works and there is no collateral damage in the process.

When we arrived at the scene it was much different from what was before I left. It was utter chaos people running around trying to form lines to hold off the horde while others were running from the area with the injured. Wrecked Tanks and a variety of military vehicles littered the landscape. The smell of blood filled the air. Massive craters from relentless artillery barrages dotted the area. Then look front there was Shepherd on a stretcher, struggling to move and breathe. A medic was checking him over. I saw blood dripping from behind his cracked mask. The medic carefully pulled the mask off, revealing that his eye had been scratched out by a demon. The medic began treating and cleaning the wound. As I looked the face it looks oddly familiar from long ago. He appeared to look like a boy that I secretly visited when he was sick. I don’t know why I was drawn to the boy he had lost long ago oddly enough a Michael metal in my image that he felt he drew courage from. His parents replaced it though. One week when his health was really bad he was bedridden with help of his guardian angel I found his old metal placed on the floor next to his bed as encouragement. He eventually got better with a few minor relapses every now and then. After a while visited the boy less and less till I quit visiting due to all the growing problems of the world and the constant missions I was given. He sure grew to be a wonderful man. “Will he be ok I asked.” “I don’t know if time will tell trying to get him stable to transport him to our forward base. “We must finish now the rift is widening.” Kaddoshiel bellowed. “Your right let’s finish this.”

Kaddoshiel stepped forward “He said clear the whole area.” He yelled. A soldier Radioed cleared out. Soon after what remaining forces started retreating from the area. Then he took shepherd’s crook and came to me and said,” cover me my front.” “Okay,” I said puzzled. I thought why not his back. He took the crook and began holding the end of the crook to the ground and a fire sprang from the hook a line of fire as he dragged it across the ground. Demons started charging the line and when they did flames rise up and engulfed the demon in flames instantly turning them to ash. He began singing as walked> “Dies irae ( Day of wrath).” As he walked, he left a line of fire in his tracks still singing the same words the whole way around to finally forming a complete circle of flames. Then lifted the crook and raised it in the air a fiery tempest began to form above the rift. “Nil Inultum remanebit (Nothing will remain unpunished)!!” with a loud yell and let down his crook bringing a huge tempest engulfing the whole circle in a complete fire. “It is finished,” he said. “It is,” I said. All that was left massive pile of ash everything had been consumed. We made our way to base camp and give everyone the news. Many angels were still struggling to leave the area some helping each other fly back. It was a victory at great cost though. TO BE CONTINUED