Tuesday, February 21, 2023

The Hanzo Ninja Clan Presents: Raiders Of The Lost Arx!


Image by Daryl Danforth

Raids are now a well known and well used mainstay in Heroes Rising. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of energy to be a raid toon successfully. In the past, putting Skill Points (SP) into your Energy stat beyond what was generally needed was generally frowned upon for competitive toons. Some players squeezed every point they could into fight stats, spending none on their Energy Bank. Most took their Energy Banks up to 30 (20 SP) so that they could complete an entire Fight Club. A few pioneers like John Dellorusso went a step further and upped their Energy Banks to 50 fairly early on, to give them a leveling advantage. Energy Alts were the primary exception, but aren't really designed for competition.

Things have changed though. Back then, we were pushing levels of 200, 300, and 400 for ages. Leveling was very slow and stagnated. Players had to really hoard every SP and carefully decide where each should go. But as we start to quickly reach level 900 and look beyond to level 1000, SP are becoming less and less as crucial a resource. Don't get me wrong. They are still extremely important. But as more become available, small numbers spent experimenting in other areas become less of a liability. Early on, everyone put their SP in Move. As time went on and diminishing returns started to cost heavier and heavier tolls, adding SP to Att and Def started to make sense. Later still, adding large quantities of points to life started to see a strong benefit. Yet, at one time, 99% of players would tell you to build a strictly Move SP allotment.

Now, with raids becoming a bigger and bigger part of HR, trying to find the energy to do Patrols, Fight Club, Missions, and successfully Raid might seem impossible. It most certainly can be. Something is going to have to give. Either you're going to give up FC, and miss out on more MP and Crystals, or you're going to miss out on Patrols that provide power cards, MP, Crystals, Bux, AMA, Summoning Items, etc., or you're going to miss out doing maximum damage for what you want from the raids, making the process more difficult and costly to you in the long run. Energy Gifts only provide 420 energy a day. That's pretty much only going to dent a raid. You can buy items from the store that provide more energy or speeds up energy production, but those cost resources too. Resources that might not be easy to come by. Sure, you can spend 5 MP and refill your Energy Bank, but at 30 energy a pop only, this can get expensive very fast.

Perhaps putting points into your Energy Bank isn't such a bad idea anymore. I have a toon with just slightly over 2 hours worth of an Energy Bank. Because of my HQ, my Fight Bank also takes 2 hours to completely fill. I only have to get in game every 2 hours to be sure I don't lose any resources that I can use to improve my toon. When I feel like it, making huge leveling feats becomes less a task than it once was. When I go to sleep or leave the game for extended hours, I lose far fewer resources from my Energy Bank and Fight Bank filling. When I level, I get a nice surge of energy and fights to help me in my in game efforts. And IF I decide I want to spend 5 MP to buy energy, 2 hours worth, 120, is 4 times as much of a bargain as what I was getting at 30 energy.

Adding SP to your Energy Bank will make raiding a much easier and much more rewarding task, that only minimally, if at all, invades your ability to do other tasks. You'll get more damage in, winning you more cards and gear, building your power and damage, increasing your rewards even more, etc, etc, on and on in a snowballing cycle. I think there's a bear wandering the lists that could tell you a little more about how that cycle works. My best toon has 100 SP in Energy plus a lvl 5 Cafeteria. That's a mere 50 levels worth of SP. That might sound like a lot, but as we start closing in on a lvl 1000 lvl cap, is it really?

WARNING!!!! I DO NOT advise this strategy for players that wish to pole-sit at 1 level or feel their toon must be so finely tuned as to not be able to afford leeway for versatility.