Friday, February 10, 2023


February Joan of Arc ID: 35981

We arrived at the abandoned train station. A cop was already approaching the gate with bolt cutters to break the lock off. Jamie immediately started giving out orders to cops. “You go there, want all nearby exits covered and someone get me a city plan so we know the layout and what we are getting into. I approached Jamie,” what do you need me to do.” You and the swat team and Danny will breach and search and find the missing children and engage and arrest the kidnappers. A man came up to Jamie with rolls of paper tucked in his arms. “Here the city plans detailing the surrounding subway tunnels.

Jamie grabbed the papers and spread the papers on a squad car,” ok we are here.” He then pointed to a section on the map, “this maintenance room is the most likely where they are keeping the children. “Okay gather at the entrance we are going breech on my count.” Swat with helmets and shields and cops lined the entrance. “Okay 1,2,3 breach.” I followed close behind the swat team with my bow at the ready. Went room by room making sure each room was clear as we went further and further into the abandoned station. I grew anxious and rage seem almost take me over I hope I find the kids when I find the kidnappers, they are going get my sword I thought to myself.

As we pushed further and further, I grew concerned. “I hope this is where they keeping.” I hope so too we have no other leads to go on.” We approached the Main Atrium and saw a man smoking in the middle of the room with his back to us. The Swats and cops aimed their guns at the man. “Hands in the air, turn around slowly!” The man turned around. “That’s Lucian Nahash.” Said the Swat officer. As he said this Lucian face began to grin sinisterly. “I guess I have fans,” he laughed. “Pity I don’t have more time for you I have an appointment must keep.” He with glee. Then he opened his mouth wide and black smoke started spewing out quickly the room with a dark haze. The room soon was filled with hopeless screams of cops and SWAT screaming for lives and began firing their guns frantically at the smoke. I soon heard snarls and growls then one by one the cops and SWAT around me started to get ripped apart. “Stand close it’s a lot harder for him to take us it if we’re close together, hold your ground!” Yelled Danny” I shouldered my bow and drew my sword.

Then all of a sudden, the smoke cleared revealing the horrific scene of bodies ripped apart on the ground and blood all over the place. One remaining cop began to look pale. “I think I’m going to get sick.” He started Retching and Puking. Then black smoke appeared and Lucian appeared. “It has been fun I must be off as he took off downstairs leading to the main platform. Danny took off after him. We reached the platform but no one was there. “Where the hell is that freak show!” Yelled Danny.” I think the maintenance room is ahead.” I said as I pointed to a door to the left. Danny ran to the door. Just then heard a loud growl and bark. It was coming from the subway tunnel. All sudden a huge black dog. The dog’s eyes seem almost glowed like fiery embers. I held up my sword. The dog leaped toward me mouth open wide ready to rip me into. I jabbed at the dog stabbing right his lower jaw right through its head “What hell was that, that was not a normal dog Joan!” Yelled Danny. Danny and I ran up to the door. Together we bashed against it till we broke the door down. The room was full of children tied up and with tape over their mouths. I began untying each child and removing the tape. “Uncle Danny, Joan, you found us you saved us.” Said Michelle as she leapt into my arms. Danny took out his radio after untying the last child.” We found all of them, we found Michelle.” He said with tearful joy. Michelle took both my hands.” You’re my hero and gave me another hug. We took the kids back to the surface to the ambulances waiting to give them any medical attention. Jamie walked up to me. “We lost a lot of good men you did good Joan you saved all the children and my daughter I am in your dept thank you.”He said shaking my hand. “We arrested a few kidnappers that were trying to escape hopefully we can get so some information out of them, about this Lucian fellow.” “He not person sir he is demon and powerful at that.” That explains the grizzly scene in the atrium that heard reports of I was headed down there now to look at the scene and see if can find out how he got away.” You Danny come along with me.” Let’s see if can find any traces. To Be Continued……