Thursday, August 15, 2019

Fan Fiction: Alvidan General History

Alvin Daniels was just a normal guy, until a chance encounter with a dimensional rift granted him swiftness, laser eyes, and titanium skin. Armed with these abilities, he fought petty crime as Alvidan while saving to equip himself as a hero.

Returning one day to the site of his empowerment, he found strange crystals growing there. There were some people out there willing to trade the crystals for gear, so he was able to power up to fight crime.

Later, he tried to save a hero called the Options Oracle from being overwhelmed, but failed, however as the Options Oracle died, he passed on a portion of his power to Alvidan, increasing his abilities and his resolve.

Alvidan was approached by BADGE, which recruited him to help fight The extradimensional Invaders. With their guidance, he learned that his powers were mainly psychokinetic. He soon learned to produce powerful shields of kinetic energy and move huge masses of stone, though his powers had a very short range. He also learned to bend space so that he could step long distances in a short time.

BADGE also assisted him with some equipment, and helped him refurbish some gear captured from criminals. With that, his heroic career was certainly getting somewhere.

Unfortunately, where he was getting was pretty much the middle of the pack, as far as super heroes were concerned.

He started a regimen of ninja training to assist in his skill development.

While fighting against an escapee from Purgatory Prison, He suffered a curse that caused his gear to malfunction. This made it behave as if he had a different core and peripherals. Eventually he learned to control this, so that he could switch his gear functions to a limited variety of choices.

He managed to track down an Escapee called "Your Zombie Ex-Girlfriend", only to discover that she had turned over a new leaf and was seeking to use her zombie abilities for good. He allowed her to remain "at large" even though it went against his orders.

Both his powers and his gear continue to improve, the former mostly through practice and the latter through gathering things from his enemies that are repurposed for him.

He finds himself having trouble with the genetically engineered Vixen, even though he manages to catch her by surprise once she promptly escaped him. After several more attempts to capture her, he finally managed to do so and began questioning her about her boss, Dr. Fulcrum.

Alvidan woke up one morning changed into a woman, though uncertain what had happened or how long it would last, they were determined and continued to fight crime. Alvidan realizes eventually that the change in form, like the ability to change gear, relate to the Seed of Potential that he got from the Options Oracle. He is switching abilities and forms with his analogs from other worlds.

His (her?) abilities continue to change and grow. This lates change allows becoming some kind of monstrous shapeshifter which resembles an undead werehyena while in combat. It is very effective in fights, but not particularly comfortable.

Alvidan accidentally discovered that it is possible to release the energies that empower him explosively, and trained himself to control it by use of a key word. While Alvidan was Improving, other heroes were betting better faster, so he remained pretty average.

Read more from Alvidan on the Heroes Rising Forum
