Friday, August 16, 2019

Fan Fiction: PhantomAmongPhantoms - The Search For Evo

"Dammit I think we broke it!" SnipersWrath put his weapon down.
"It doesn't look good!" I slightly understated. "Can we confirm it wasn't ALL my fault?"
"Of all the things we can, will, should or might blame you for ... no this time you can't be held totally responsible."
I breathed a sigh of relief.
"I'm off to see Evo. Plans need to be made."
"Phantom ... don't know if you noticed ... the city's gone"
"But that rubble there looks like it might have been my apartment block."
"And you think Evo will be somewhere in that?"
He had a point, there didn't really look like there was anyone left anywhere in the city.
"Can't you just picture her and blink to where she is?"
"If it was that easy do you think it would have taken me three months to find her dad?"
"Well she's a merc, she'll be where the action is."
And that is?
"I heard that shit was going down in New Amsterdam."
"Good place to start! Beers later? On me"
"Sure ... where?"
"I'll just picture you and blink"
"Sounds good"

And people said I was the idiot in the team.

New Amsterdam was kinda like I imagined it, but with less canals, tulips, clogs and a lot less New.
But within half an hour I'd witnessed enough to know it had the kind of action that would attract Evo.
Some guy calling himself 'The Raptor' tried mugging me, but that ended badly for him. The paramedics were still discussing how to extricate his foot when I walked away.
Something covered in flames jumped off a rooftop in an alley, and I quickly demonstrated unlike the popular saying that I will piss on you if you're on fire.
I bumped into one of the Valkyries, but after our last encounter she just blanked me.
Some wierdo tried to lift my wallet.
"I'm sorry!" He whined. "I can't help myself, I just have to act on my impulses." I just had to act on mine and blinked him to the steps outside the 5th Precinct with an explanatory note stapled to his forehead.
And let's not talk about that Stygian, well let's briefly ... cos that's how long his attack lasted.

What's this place?

"Blue Oyster ... cold beers, hot stuff" the sign above the door stated.

Hmmmm. Beer!

Ok so not my usual choice of bar, I mean I'm comfortable in myself - but the big guy on the stage with kneepads and not a lot else on was looking at me a little too intently. I decided to keep head down, drink my beer, examine my boots ... I don't know why Evo kept saying had small feet, they looked absolutely in proportion.

"I know you!"
"Huh?!?" I looked up. The guy wore a lot of red, and was definitely familiar. "Rakly?!?!"
"Phantom. You still heroing?"
"I guess, I was just looking for ..."
"Still able to manipulate that dimensional energy?" He interrupted.
"The blue stuff ... yeah!"
"Then you might just be the guy I've been looking for."

Prioritise, I told myself, you're here to find Evo, don't get involved in any distractions.

"Why?" Questions couldn't hurt.
"Well we're struggling to send a quantum wave of quark emissions through a temporal portal and have it exist simultaneously in two time lines."
"Yeah that can be a problem ... with the quantum leap and stuff."
Keep cool, act normal, give nothing away.
"I could use your special skills."

No time for distractions, Evo finding number one priority.

"If you could just come over to the Tower for a bit."

Oh boy, it was never a bit when people asked favours of me.

"We have a bar."

A few hours wouldn't hurt.

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