Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Writing Contest - First Encounter - Prizes!

So, you have been infused with morphons and now have unique superpowers. You may be a valuable asset to B.A.D.G.E. in our efforts to fight crime on Earth as well as protect the whole world from the enemies sent by Legion.

You are new to the streets with your magnificent morphon powers. The muggers, shoplifters, and carjackers are no match for what you can do. However, Legion takes an interest in you and sends one of their minions to test you, to fight you, and even kill you to get you out of the way. What happened? Tell us the story of your heroes first encounter with Legion.

Yes, this is a short fiction contest to tell us about your hero.

Go to the Forum here: Heroes Rising Forum
  • The Theme of this writing contest is “First Encounter”
  • Fiction must be between 400-1000 words, don’t worry if you are slightly over the word count, just don’t go too far.
  •  Content must be PG13. No Erotica and nothing that is explicitly derogatory or inflammatory. Keep it fun for everyone.
  • Judges have final authority over content, at their sole discretion.

Entering your story

  •  All submissions should be posted as a top level post to the fan fiction forum. Include in the title of your post, “Contest Entry: (title of work)” Only posts with this as the title will be considered for the contest.
  • The first line of the post should include “Contest Entry” and your in game player id (from your profile page)
  • Post your story any time before the morning of August 26
  • Go to the Forum here: Heroes Rising Forum

All reasonably good stories will get one, two, or three “Your Origin” entry cards, as evaluated by the judges

The best stories will also get one, two, or three “Stop the Presses” featured cards.

“Your Origin” can be used as a card, or resold for 10 MP each

“Stop the Presses” can be used as a card, or resold for 20 MP each

Featured stories will be featured on the front page of this site, and linked to from the homepage of Heroes Rising.

All prizes will go out near the end of August

As always, all reasonable effort fiction posted in the forum is eligible for limited number of "Reality Writer" cards per week. These entries will ALSO receive the normal Reality Writer card.
