Monday, August 12, 2019

Fan Fiction: Only Human... ( or how the Morphons changed things)

Upon this obscure little planet near the edge of a rather average galaxy, there evolved a bi-pedal lifeform of which one must admit the potential for acts of horrendous, unspeakable cruelty... this same species is also capable of unbelievable acts of courage, bravery, and self-sacrifice...

This lifeform is a well of potential... potential for Evil, potential for Good.

The Morphon particles haven't changed that...

They are STILL only human... or nearly all of them are...

A few are refugees from other realms within the Multiverse... for the most part also human, with all that entails.…

The full origin of Acidburn would fill several volumes, which will appear in these forums later, but suffice it to say that she originated in a dimension now lost to the Nexus of the Multiverse...

She was unknowingly the child of an exiled fae of Royal blood on her father's line, a direct descendant of the wizard know to us as Merlin on her mothers' and had her abilities activated by an accident.

Some of those who will appear in this tale are no longer with us, having remained in the dimension which was lost, some moved on to other realms, but there remain a precious few who have made it to this place as well...

She's not the strongest...she's not the fastest... but she might be the smartest, and she is definitely the most determined... She might just be the hero we need.

So settle back and grab some popcorn...

A Little Tale Overheard @ Starbuck's

Pink was sitting at her usual table in Starbuck's, enjoying a double-shot espresso and a large tray of bearclaws when she noticed that one of the many "new kids" (rookie supers) had wandered in through
the door with a somewhat dazed expression.

The rookie quietly ordered a mocha latte from the barista and moved to the last empty table which was nearby. "At least this one has decent taste in coffee." thought Pink to herself, while sipping her own

About this time the Angelic Rogue stopped into the same shop after completing her own patrol, ordered a vanilla cappuccino and since all the tables were now taken, asked Pink if she could join her.
"Go ahead." Pink said with her usual expression.

A few moments passed as the Rogue scanned the other patrons and sipped from her cup, then she noticed the rookie at the table nearby.

She said quietly to Pink, "I do believe that one would jump a mile if startled by a loud noise.", gesturing with her chin towards the rookie.

Pink looked in that direction again and murmured, "Yeah, you're probably right."

Rogue said quietly, "Maybe we should speak to her, help her calm down."

Both of the veteran heroes reached a decision at the same moment, stood and moved to the rookies' table. The Rogue gently touched the young woman's shoulder. The rookie startled slightly.

"Is everything alright?", the Rogue gently asked. Pink leaned with her hand on the back of one of the chairs.

"W-with all t-that's happened r-recently I d-don't know w-where to b-begin...", the rookie stuttered.

"At the beginning is usually a good place.", Pink said, as she pulled out the seat and sat down. The Rogue signaled the barista for 3 more coffees and followed suit.

The rookie drew a deep breath, perhaps the first in a few weeks; settled herself, took a moment to arrange her thoughts, and began.

"Well... It all began while I was analyzing a "xeno-biological" sample in my lab at the University, for NASA. The electron microscope I was using developed a "spontaneous, catastrophic" vacuum leak, at least that's what they told me later, and it exploded in my face.", she said.

"As I regained consciousness in the ICU, I realized that I had strange tingling sensations around my hands and arms, and as I recovered, also discovered that the equipment being used to monitor my
condition kept 'mysteriously' overloading.", she continued after a moment.

She took a short sip of her refill and continued.

"Once released, I conducted a few tests of my own and discovered that I had been exposed to whatever the hell that sample actually was; it was infused into my DNA.", she said.

"Over the next few weeks even stranger things began to happen; as I hid in my apartment, I began to develop other 'symptoms,' Then, I woke up one morning actually hovering above the surface of my bed.", she continued.

"I soon found after a little practice & using some meditation techniques, I could control the 'symptoms' of this 'condition.'

She closed her eyes for a moment and the slight electrical nimbus around her hands died down.

She sipped her latte, took a deep breath, and continued.

"As my strength, dexterity and new abilities continued to grow, I knew that it would be a nearly impossible task to fit in & to remain at the university, but where could I go and not feel like the proverbial sore thumb?", she said.

"So when the news began reporting the 'meta-human' wave of crime sprees here in Super Hero City, I decided to help out where I could...and to begin a new life in a place where my 'differences' would help me fit in.", she said.

"Then once I got here... the street fights...the arena battles my new colleagues at work suggested... some sort of war between groups of supers which I was talked into joining...", she mused with a slightly
puzzled expression.

"Whew, I'd never sat down and put it into perspective like that before... I mean what with everything that's happened and all...Well, Thank you, both.", she said looking from one to the other.

Rising from her chair, she handed each a card that read "Acidburn, SHC" and a
beeper number.

"I doubt either of you would ever need my help, but if you should, it's yours for the asking.",she said, turned and strode ever more confidently to the door, turned again and waved at the two veteran heroes, and took flight in the direction of midtown.

"That was strange.", said Pink, as she picked up her coffee and moved back to her favorite table. Rogue nodded and remained at the now otherwise empty one...

..."Well," thought Acidburn, "they both seem nicer than some of the rumors I've heard make them sound. But, of course, with rumors you have to consider the source... at least I think I could get some sleep
tonight, since they helped settle my mind."

A short time later, she landed in the alley behind a small brownstone and wearily made her way up the 6 flights of steps to her small apartment. After a quick shower, a small glass of white wine, and a piece of her 'emergency' chocolate (funny, how there seems to be an emergency every night, she thought), she settled into her cozy quilt and read until she dozed off.

We'll get more of the story in their own thread later, but that's how it started, in a realm which no longer is accessible in the nexxus of the Multiverse...

Read more of Acidburns story on the Heroes Rising Forum
