Monday, August 19, 2019

Fan Fiction: "Out of Time" a Fuma Hanzo story

Scene 1:

Present Day.

The Blue Oyster Club wasn't the sort of place you'd usually find Rakly in, but he had business to attend to. He sat quietly in a corner booth, trying not to be conspicuous as he sipped his drink. He was waiting for the performer on stage to get done with his performance so they could get to business. Mack Stallion was dancing in nothing but a G-string and his signature Mandalorian helmet he used to disguise his identity. Rakly wasn't too sure, he hadn't seen the metahuman in a long time, but he thought he recognized the patron shoving the most bills into Mack's G-string. "Is that Power Bottom?" he thought to himself as the song came to an end and Mack jumped off stage, grabbing all the bills on the stage floor as he passed them. After finishing his set, Mack made his way over to where Rakly was sitting as Power Bottom yelled at him, "Hey! Where're you going? I got more money!"

As Mack sat down, Rakly asked him, "Did you get what I asked for?"

Mack replied, "Yeah. The Gallifreyan was most obliging. He translated the ancient text like it was his first language. As long as you can secure the technology, it shouldn't be a problem."

Mack Stallion handed the translated text under the table to Rakly and Rakly handed him back a sealed envelope. With the transaction complete, Mack left the booth and headed to the dressing room.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" the manager berated him, "Get back out there and shake your money makers!"

Mack punched him in the gut, crumpling him to the floor, before grabbing his stuff and heading for the door. Waving the envelope Rakly had given him, he casually strolled out the door saying, "I quit biatches!"

Scene 2:

A few days later at Avengers Tower.

Super Rakly and Strange Quark were busy going over the calculations on their project, one that had been in the works for over 4 years, when Phantom Among Phantoms enters the lab.

"You wanted to see me Rakly?" Phantom asked.

Rakly looked up from what he and Quark were working on. "Yes. Thanks for coming. We finally have the texts translated that Captain Coconuts of the Confederation of Pirates gave us. After some careful calculations, we're ready to proceed with the operation."

"Great!" Phantom replied. "What do you need from me?"

"Well," Quark responded, "we need to use my strange quark emissions to power the flux capacitor and open a window to the past. The problem is, we need the quark emissions to exist simultaneously in both the present and 1400 years ago. We can open a small window currently, but not enough to send or pull anything through. Currently, we can only look into the past like watching a television screen. However, if we can harness your phantom phasing powers to push my quark emissions through the threshold, we can achieve the quantum mechanics needed to drive the machine to open a fully functioning time portal."

"Wait.... wait, wait, wait!" exclaimed Phantom. "You don't really expect me to know what you just said, right? Just tell me what you need me to do. I'll leave the science to you guys."

"Look," said Rakly, "Just phase Quark while his quark emissions pass through the gate. We'll take care of the rest."

"How the hell did an ancient ninja clan from the 1500's design a time machine anyway?" asked Phantom. "They didn't even know about the technology or science needed for it back then."

"That's a question we'd all like to know the answer to." said Quark.

Read the Continuing Story at the Heroes Rising Forum
