Thursday, August 8, 2019

Fan Fiction: Strange Quark

The story of Strange Quark began 10 years ago in a parallel universe called Superhero City. Well, that's 10 years ago in that universe's timeline (roughly equivalent to 10 millennia in this universe).

No one knows how he came into existence; he just suddenly materialised from a quantum probability field, as though someone had finally decided to open Schrödinger's box, only to find that it was not a cat inside after all.

His role in the defeat of the Zigonian alien invasion has been documented by a historian:

"Strange Quark is far from your average quark. Once captured by the Zigonians who were sent by Warlord Quasar, Strange Quark was able to escape with the aid of molecular rearrangement. The Zigonians soon learned that they shouldn't have messed with Strange Quark as he became one of the first heroes to take out 3000 Zigonians, as well as taking the top spot on the Champion leaderboard after ThinkingStiff hung up his cape. Quark never hesitated to help heroes in need and readily provided vast amounts of service in Superhero City, continuing to do so to this day."

A few years later, the Mayor of Superhero City released a new superpower called Quark Annihilation in honour of Strange Quark, but ironically, it interacted with him to produce anti-strange quark particles, which led to his disappearance from the Superhero City universe.

So, Strange Quark ceased to exist, or well, he sort of existed in a field of quantum uncertainty, which basically meant he might or might not still be around.

Fast forward to the present universe, in the wake of the Legion's invasion. The Morphons they released were ubiquitous. A scientist in a secret laboratory decided to study the interaction of Morphons with the Higgs boson in a particle accelerator and inadvertently collapsed the probability wave function of Strange Quark's uncertain existence. Schrödinger's box was opened once again and out came good ol' Quark, this time even Stranger than ever.

Continue Reading the story here: Heroes Rising Fiction Forum
