Saturday, August 10, 2019

Fan Fiction: Defending a Realm: The End Journeys

(This tale is set in a realm known to many of us, in its last days)

The enormous banner promoting Sable, Final Judgement, Lady Goshawke and Zombie Control still fluttered above the entrance to the Hall of Heroes. Despite this, few people - heroes or civilians - were filing through at the time. There seems to be an air of resignation and depression among the city inhabitants, thought Tri-blade as he walked up the steps and into the Hall.

His footsteps echoed off the walls as he strolled by the plaques and memorials to the great heroes and events of recent years. He took a brief moment to put his hands on the Legion plaque, and smiled at knowing that he at least had a minute part to play in their early-day successes at thwarting evil and maintaining some beacon of hope for innocents.

Tri-blade walked on. He had made a point to visit the place regularly ever since his discovery of the Professor's old prison, as it served to keep his mind fresh on the city's needs, as well as keep hope alive.

He walked past portraits of Jormungandr, Superbeast, Vertigo. Some he knew, some he never met. Each of them however, left their marks. Angel Sun, Force, Strange Quark.

The smiling face of Sin brought a mild chuckle to Tri-blade's face. Not really a rival in the true sense of the word (Sin versus Captain Avenger was more famous and more heated), but almost certainly the oldest rival Tri-blade had known in the realm. They had clashed long ago, when Tri-blade wasn't even part of the Legion and Sin was known by the oddball name of Babagadouche. Look at us both now, smiled Tri-blade.

Banderpoop, Lord Vindictus, Karlito's Way. Getting to the people who nearly predated his time in the realm. Tri-blade grinned at the memory of hearing of Karlito's Way's journey to help form Nine Planets Council, and the potential of him trying to join that group. It never happened - Karlito's Way moved on without ever meeting Tri-blade, and his own path soon took him to other adventures. Luckily he did get to meet other 9PCers and befriend them. Heroes always find opportunities to collaborate and work together when the time calls for it.

A lit doorway at the end of the hall, and the sound of sombre whistling, caught Tri-blade's attention. He called out, and received a "Coming!" in return. Soon, the wisened face of Doctor Toshio, curator of the Hall, appeared, and the doctor made his way over to his friend, broom in hand.

"Good to see you again, doctor," said Tri-blade as they shook hands.

"Likewise. Same story that brings you by?" asked Dr. Toshio.

"Same-ish, I suppose. What's that tune you were whistling? Seemed pretty sad."

Toshio sighed. "Just a Japanese melody, of time passing, colours fading, leaves falling. I believe it is reality having the final say on everything, even happy endings."

Tri-blade nodded, "Nothing is forever."

They walked to a bench and sat. "I guess you're not particularly busy of late?" asked Tri-blade.

Toshio shook his head. "The Hall of Heroes had a great flow of traffic a couple of weeks ago, but that time has passed too. This city, well I believe that the talk and the rumours are true."

"That the city is dying?"

"Cities, Tri-blade. Do you know about Victory City?"

"Not a thing, and don't care to. I know some folks, like the Turbulence guys, sometimes roam there, and I even heard that Sin has made that his permanent residence. But me? Once I heard that place reeks even more of Jeffy than here, I have no desire to relocate even if temporarily."

Toshio adjusted his heavy glasses and blinked. "Just as well, anyway. Victory City is falling apart too."
Tri-blade's mouth opened in surprise. "Really now?"

"Hai... they're each interconnected. And with it, the nation is on the verge of collapse. What would happen if these two centres of heroes were to perish? No, there is a cataclysm brewing, I have heard several different sources claim it. I fear for this planet."

Tri-blade rose to his feet. "So this isn't anything evil?"

"Evil? No, unfortunately. If it was, then you could counter it. Get your elite heroes to stop the menace, it's been done against Zigon, Astronikus, the Sin Lords. I fear this is a truly unstoppable threat. Tri-blade my friend, you may need to prepare to leave."

"The city?"

"The planet. This reality, even."

Dr. Toshio rose, bowed graciously to his friend, and turned.

"Where would *you* go?" shouted Tri-blade, already feeling the panic beating on his head.

"To my family, of course. I have a grand-daughter you know. I miss her dearly. Family is best. I must go, I apologize. Farewell, friend." Toshio continued to walk away.

As Tri-blade turned to walk out, Dr. Toshio finally allowed the tears to slide down his face. He wept silently, still holding his broom.

Read the continuing story by Tryangle on the Heroes Rising Forum