Monday, January 20, 2020

Art Post: True Sight

The universe is a mere equation to you. Time and distance are just concepts for the lesser intelligent. You see what has been and what may be. And, through all of this you face one insurmountable obstacle...finding a pair of three lens glasses for 20/20/30000 vision.

Say hello to the mildly creepy True Sight. This card started out as a piece of art. I was working on this to do a face study and liked how it was coming. However, I struggled in finding a power to suit a person just staring at a picture. At the time I had not added the third eye and thus came to the problem of how to make this a power. After some time I decided to add that third eye and it fell into place.

About the art. I said I was doing this as a face study. I have drawn a lot fewer African faces than others. In fact, for a long time I drew a lot of alien and/or animal faces so the human face was difficult in general. I wanted to expand my experience and thus this came. I also wanted to work on various skin tones. What you may not realize but skin tones are vastly more complicated than a single mere color.

Mild Tangent: We humans are not white/black/red/yellow...those are base colors that are flat-out wrong and can even be called racist depending on the viewers idea. In fact we are all a base of brown. Melanin, the pigment of human skin, is brown. We all come in various shades of brown. However, melanin is accentuated by other colors under the skin, like blood, bone, and density. As an artist, this is a vital understanding. I start with a base of brown and work up from that, adding reds, whites, and other tones to enhance color. Where the skin stretches thinner on our bodies, the blood vessels will show more and thus are more red, just look at your knuckles. Where hair is thinner, sweat and other skin oils cause more sheen and thus light reflects more. It is a complicated matter for artist, but a simple one for humans. We aren't different entire colors, that is flat-out wrong.

Back to the art: Moving on. Past the basics of a face study, I struggled with creating a power out of this and went with a third eye on the figure. Why go with that? Well, the face study opened a nice space on the bald head for something to be there. I considered an energy, like psychic energy coming out of his head, or even fire in his eyes. But, I wanted something else than just more energy on a card. The extra eye was a fun addition and gave me something to think about for the power. The third eye also gave me the idea of putting something other than regular eyes on his normal eyes. Adding a space-look to his eyes enhanced it all the more. In the end it was a cool looking piece that I loved and was eager to see on the card.

I hope you enjoy the card and the art, it was fun and unique. Just remember to watch out when you shampoo, you have another eye to worry about...

Special Note: I had finished this piece before including the pencil sketch of it in the first coloring contest. A few of you came close to my finished product, which was really cool.