Thursday, January 2, 2020

Art Post: Your Art

Back in November I gave everyone a little challenge. I posted a selection of four pictures. Each was a base sketch of one of my art pieces that would ultimately end up in the game as a final painting. I wanted to let you, the player, have some fun and imagine the art in your own way. The turn out was great and the art fantastic.

I said that however you want to color it would be fine. From digital media to crayons. To my joy, people used all my suggestions, and even turned in some I didn't think of.

A note from some long time artist friends of mine who are way bigger in the art community that I. Art is art. No one who submitted did bad art, just doing art makes it good. Recently a man made a fortune by taping a real banana to a wall, trust me, art is entirely subjective. Why do I say this? Because I ask the players to write stories and color pictures. I am a professional artist in both writing and painting. However, at no point am I cringing and complaining about your writing or art being bad. The effort you put into it matters, because a lot of people never put that effort forth. Okay, that all said, let's take a look at your art.

This was the first picture I chose. I called it Third Eye..for obvious reasons. The card with the final painting (left) has not be published yet. It turned out to be the most popular choice.

Brian Sargent
Chih Chan
Briana Elliot

David Andrew Gibbons
Chris Evans
John Schoenfeld
Ben Roberts
Ronald C Delaware

Jeremy McGee
Jeremy McGee
Todd Goode
Todd Goode
Todd Goode
Victor Wanderley Corrêa

The second most popular was the flying angel. This one was a dramatic pose that gave itself to a lot of unique ideas. Again, this one has not be published in the game yet.

Victor Wanderley Corrêa

Todd Goode

Ronald C Delaware

Rakly Dominguez

Mike Lane

John Schoenfeld

Dana Greene

Chih Chan

Briana Elliot

Ben Roberts

The Third most popular was the lovely ladies face. You have seen this one in the game as the card, Touch of Ice.

Victor Wanderley Corrêa

Todd Goode

Drift Davis

Chris Lee
David Andrew Gibbons

The fourth choice was the this guy pumping iron. You will recognize this one from Do you Even Lift. This one was actually already out when the contest was going.

Victor Wanderley Corrêa

John Schoenfeld

Chih Chan

Last place belonged to this one, which only had one entry. You will recognize the art from the card Aqua Kinesis, which came out after the contest ended.

Victor Wanderley Corrêa
