Friday, January 10, 2020

Breaking News: Is Nova in Trouble?

The Sentinel's News Desk recently received unconfirmed reports of sightings of B.A.D.G.E.'s Director Nova appearing strange: at times short and stout; and at times shrunken to half his normal size.

Current Affairs Chief Investigator, Duck Tracy,  followed up and met up with the Director for an exclusive interview.
Duck: Director, it is as clear as daylight that you have shrunk to half your normal size. What happened?

Nova: How would I know? Strange things have been happening to me since The Legion arrived.

Duck: Indeed they have. Even Halloween did not spare you some humiliation. Then there was the incident with...

Nova: Please don't go there...

Duck: And now, this. You seem to be a weird magnet. What are you going to do about your current... predicament?

Nova: I have my scientists looking into this even as we speak.

Duck: But what does it feel like being smaller? Is every part of your anatomy half its normal size?

Nova: Yes.

Duck: But... How does Mrs Nova feel about it? She must be very disappointed.

Nova: What? Why?

Duck: Do you have problems using public urinals?

Nova: ???

Duck: What does it feel like to be the butt of all those jokes?

Nova: What jokes?

Duck: Oops. It looks like our interview is up. Thank you for your time, Director. We wish you all the best in your search for a cure.

Duck: Next on Current Affairs, we meet a man who has grown twice his normal size and find out why he has become so popular on social media.