Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Spot the new animation and win 50 MPs!

New attack animations are coming to Heroes Rising!


We plan to release 1 new attack animation per day for the next 30 days. What will they be? Who will find them first?

For each attack power, the FIRST person to reply here with a battle link and/or screenshot of the animation will get 50 free MP. Will it be you?

-- Post screenshots as replies to this thread: https://www.facebook.com/groups/232301183620548/permalink/1336413329875989/
-- Post must include a screenshot, and your player id number (on your profile page right under your name).
-- Only one post per player will be eligible for the reward.
-- Only one post per power.
-- Your post must include attack animation and the name of the power. The animation must be an actual animation, not just words and/or the card image.
-- If you can also link to the battle itself, that will be exceptional.

Thanks Heroes, and good luck!