Friday, January 3, 2020

Editorial: DUELS

By Chih Chan (aka Strange Quark) 

Duels are a recent addition to the KOTM leaderboard events. A duel is basically very similar to regular KOTM with a notable difference: instead of bringing your entire allowable team size (based on your level) into battle, you only bring yourself.

This means that you only bring 15 cards (powers) with you: 5 atk, 5 def, and 5 move. The game will automatically select your top 5 cards for each category.

Like regular KOTM this event is tiered into level brackets, but because everyone only brings themselves into battle, the level advatange is less significant. Higher levels only benefit from additional skill points and more gear slots. Note,  however, that the advantage of more skill points for percentage boosts to atk/def/move is relatively small since fewer cards are involved.

What all this means is that gear selection is of crucial importance.

Remember to do your own calculations when assessing equipment loadouts as what you see in your Equip page is gear modification to your entire maxed stats. When you save your loadout for Duels, there is no option at this point to do it for a solo build.

What you need to do is:

1. Add the total atk, def, and move stats for the 15 cards (top 5 atk/def/move respectively);

2. Multiply them by the percentage modifiers based on your allocation of skill points;

3. Add in all stat modifiers your selected gear brings to your total stats. You need to do this *after* you do step 2 (not vice versa). Remember to look at life modifiers, if applicable. Damage bonuses and core resistance apply the same way they do for full team size.

Save your duel loadouts with meaningful names so you remember when to use which loadout. Experiment with your duel loadouts in the Duel KOTM event page before the ending window so you know which works best. That way, you will be better prepared to compete during the ending imminent window. Remember: you can only test your duel loadout in the Duel event page.

Happy dueling!
