Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Who Are You?

Who are you? As a superhero, that is. We are introducing a new element to the game to help flesh out your character. This character sheet is a nice, clean way to allow anyone an easy method of describing their hero. 

The bonus! Heroes Rising is currently working on developing more canon. In case you don't know what that means, we are going to take hero sheets, crumple them into a ball, and then fire them at Canada in our effort to fight the snake people invading our brains. Thus, we turn your work into cannon balls. Okay, that's not even close. Canon is the official storyline of any unique universe. 

What has been written up into the forum is fan fiction. This is a good place to start in defining your own character. However, since the authors of these works often do not work together to make sure each story fits into a single universe without creating plot holes, it proves impossible to adopt fan fiction directly into the canonical universe. Since we want to include your heroes, we have created this sheet which gives a bare bones description of the hero. This will give me, the author, a way to use your hero as you see them in the canon. 

Also, since we have a lot of players and thus a lot of unique heroes, I cannot promise everyone will get into the story. Most will get a cameo, a brief inclusion in a story. I will do my best to honor your characters. However, if you do want to be part of the story at all, I need to know your character. Thus, you need to fill out this form. If you're eager to be included, let me know. 

If you do not want your hero represented in the story: Contact me and let me know. I will honor that request. 
