Friday, January 3, 2020

Hero Highlights - Strange Quark: "Embrace Your Inner Weirdness"

by Krystal Fae

Today, we venture where few heroes would dare to tread... 

Coming to you from Schrodinger's famous cat-box, we're here to meet with a truly unique hero... 

K: Can you tell us your name, or would you prefer your Hero designation/code name? 

SQ: Strange Quark is my name in the universe, but I am also known as Chih Chan or Quacky Quark or Strange Quack in the multiverses. 

K: Are you working thru B.A.D.G.E. or are you independent? 

SQ: Mostly independent, but I do assist B.A.D.G.E. whenever they have weird problems to do with converging dimensions or inter-universal travel. 

K: Are you currently in a League, and if so, would you care to tell us about it? 

SQ: I am an Avenger, although I sometimes base myself in an independent league just so I don't drive them nuts with my strangeness. One of my other leagues is The Fowl Players where we train avian-related heroes to embrace their inner weirdness. 

K: Can you tell us a little about your powers? Are all of your powers Morphon based? 

SQ: My original power is not Morphon-based. It is the ability to draw upon the interconnectedness of all matter (particles) in existence and manipulate them in various ways. That includes the ability to bend the space-time continuum. Morphon particles in this world were responsible for collapsing the probability wave function which led to my emergence out of Schrödinger's Cat-box. That is how I ended up here. 

K: Do you have a sidekick? 

SQ: I don't like to kick stuff by my side. If you mean apprentices, strange ducks have been known to follow me wherever I go. 

K: Could you tell us a little about your origin?

SQ: I came into existence from the collapse of a highly improbable wave function at some indeterminate point in time. Indeterminate because time is a function of space and matter, so there is no straight arrow of time's progress. For all I know, all matter in the multiverses is made up of a solitary strange(?) quark bouncing backward and forward in time. 

K: What is your favorite piece of gear? Why? 

SQ: I don't have a favorite piece of gear, although I like anything that boosts agility as that makes it easier to phase even when my sanity level is low owing to excessive sobriety. I lack most mental gear, which probably explains my psychological state. 

K: Do you have any advice for new Heroes? 

SQ: Be yourself. Do not be afraid to embrace your Inner Weirdness. 

K: Is there anything else you'd care to add? 

SQ: I do not post much about game-play or strategy in the public forum but anyone is welcome to contact me if they need assistance embracing their inner strangeness or just want tips on building up their hero. 

K: Well thank you for a truly unique experience.