Monday, March 9, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Golden Hunt part 9

Part 9

Dr. Blake scanned the area with the energy reader while Martial Law checked with the local constabulary. People were giving the green, winged hero a wide berth. Several locals described the incident where Chase and Fleagle had interrupted the tour guide in the supposed Leprechaun cave.
Martial came over, “Looks like our people were here, but no one has seen them for at least a day.”
Dr. Blake squinted at the scanner, “I’m picking up background energy signatures similar to the ones we got from Cupid, but nothing big enough to lead me anywhere.”
Martial nearly growled at a man staring at him, “I just want to get outta here. These people don’t like us around.”
“They may have a reason. Our people might have upset them.”
Martial grunted, “Heroes save lives and people complain. Maybe we should let a super-villain decimate a town once in a while, just to let them see what they could have if we weren’t around.”
“Yeah, that would be…..wait, I’ve got something. Yes, definitely. This is a huge spike in the readings. This way.” Dr. Blake expanded his wings and flew away.
“Hey, you idiot! I don’t fly!” Martial plodded along after him as fast as he could go.
Chase sat with her back up against the wall. They had tested the area and found this barrier was like a bubble. They had access to a few bits of crafting items within the bubble but otherwise trapped. It had been seven hours, and they were all exhausted. Fleagle lay on the ground, snoring while his right leg kicked now and then. Justin knelt, unable to sit properly as his clothing was a pair of wooden buttons.
“What do we do now?” She said to herself.
“We have to warn the others,” Justin answered.
Chase scoffed, “And just how do you plan on doing that?”
“I...don’t know. There has to be a way. I don’t know what that Leprechaun has planned, but it cannot be good. He’s attracting heroes here for a reason and I know it’ll end in disaster if they aren’t warned.”
Chase nodded, “I know. We just survived the whole Cupid incident and now we face this. I just don’t get it. Cupid is a nice guy once he was in his right mind. Santa is very nice. Why is the Leprechaun evil?”
“I don’t know.’
The door of the room opened and closed, and in came the Leprechaun. He passed right through the magic barrier and set a plate on the ground along with three mugs. He backed up, so he was outside the barrier. “You need something to eat.”
Chase didn’t run for the food just yet. “Why?”
“Last time I checked, humans eat too.” he laughed.
“We do. But, I doubt our well being is on the top of your list. The last time I checked, you’re luring heroes into some kind of trap.”
He gave her a sneer, “Fine, don’t eat. I don’t care.”
Chase stopped him before he left the room, “Why are you doing this? Why do you care so little about humans?”
He paused and then turned around, “I’m not a monster. I wasn’t always so disdainful of humans. But, time has worn my patience and love thin. Do you know when the people of this fair land learned about me?”
She nodded, “Yeah, about seven hundred years ago the legends of the Leprechauns started. I was reading about this when I came here.”
“Then you know of the legend of King Fergus?”
“I read it.”
“Well, it’s wrong. When I first came here, I wanted to be part of these people's lives. To help them. I was walking along the beach one morning and found a man, passed out, on the shore. He smelled to high heaven of spirits and I knew he was drunk. The tide was rising. He would drown. Being the helpful little man I was, I grabbed his foot and tried to drag him to higher ground. He woke, saw me, and grabbed me. In his drunken stupor, he called me some kind of spirit name of his peoples myths and demanded wishes to be granted. I could’ve blasted him into orbit right then and there, and now I wish I had. But, no, I granted him three wishes. I had hoped it would open the door to the image I wanted. The mythical, good helper who people could depend on. But, what did that stupid king do? He went and told some fable of three of me dragging him into the ocean to drown him. I became the malevolent spirit who would grant wishes if caught. I was a joke.”
“Three?” Justin asked.
“He was so drunk he couldn’t remember most of the details correctly.” The Leprechaun said.
Chase asked, “Is this enough to warrant this kind of hatred. I know it’s not fair, but people aren’t all bad.”
“Oh, yes, they are. Humans are dumb, arrogant, greedy, fools. I thought Legion was bad. Humans are worse. They are insidious and cruel. It’ll give me great pleasure wiping them out.”
“Wiping them out?” Chase gasped, “What do you mean?”
He gave her a quiet look, and said, “You’ll find out.”
