Sunday, March 22, 2020

LW2: Division 4 Day 1

By Ralph Bowman

The first day of the Second League wars has come to a close. The battles were fierce and furious. We all hear about the "popular" leagues, you know, the ones that mainstream media always gush about, but there are other Leagues that work just as hard.

For example, in Division 4, we hear about 5th Precinct and, of course, the ever-present Suicide Squad, but there were other leagues out there fighting the good fight! Small, but powerful, full of energy and the will to win, just like the leagues. Red Guard, who quietly won Silver in their division in the first League War, was matched up with Tygger's Freak Show, and Red Guard proved their toughness and power once again, defeating the larger League in a surprising lop-sided victory of 174-35.

Day One in a League War is too early to tell who will win the Gold, but it does give you a good indicator about where you want to be focusing your attention since you can't watch all the fights...unless you're Director Nova with all those robots and video screen. Anyway, I'd be watching Red Guard in Division 4 if I were you!