Friday, March 27, 2020

SuperActionSports Team League Wars 2 Results Show

" in summary the weather forecast this week is esentially immaterial. Now it's over to the SuperActionSports team."

"Morning Kennie"

"So it's all over and the dust has settled, what's the verdict guys?"

"Well Kennie, it's been a great few days of fighting, and after all the results came in the prizes awarded and the teams given time to heal and celebrate it's definitely been a League Wars to remember."

"Can you recap for us?"

"Certainly Kennie, the championshios went to D1 and D2 Avengers D3 Wildcards D4 Suicide Squad D5 A51 and D6 The Purple Onion."

"Out of six divisions we saw A51 and Avengers taking two each,  Suicide Squad gaining their first gold and The Onion surprising everyone, even themselves."

"And what were your highlights Jay C?"

"Legacy of Spawn, outgunned but not outclassed, and also Kzaz and the NMDS really putting in a great effort."

"Robert Jnr, your thoughts?"

"Pain and Suffering both massively outlevelled but making finals, the sheer number of 5th Precinct guys actively participating and of course the dramatic turn around in the Onion."

"I believe you have had a chance to speak to some of the participants."

"We grabbed a few of them in the bar last night, and we have a couple live with us today. And our roving reporter Mimsy managed to get a few words from Director Nova himself. Here's what he had to say..."


"Director Nova, this second league wars has firmly cemented the event into the SuperActionSports calendar. What are your feelings about it?"

"Well BADGE initially created this event to allow supers to test their abilities in a safe and controlled environment, it also allows us to track the teams' development and then utilise them more effectively in future BADGE operations."

"And how have you rated the action?"

"Myself and BADGE have been watching the proceedings with interest and will be analysing the footage and data over the next few weeks."

"Have you been able to enjoy the spectacle?"

"It's been a very informative few days, and I am sure BADGE statisticians and analysts will retrieve some valuable information."

"Erm... ok... thanks Director"


"That was Mimsy interviewing Director Nova himself."

"And from one dick to another, Dick, Head of the Onion."

"Robert, Jay, thanks for having me."

"So... Dick... How does it feel knowing that the hours of planning and preparation you put in have paid off?"

"I wouldn't say we put hours of planning and preparation in, we heard about the event, saw the sign ups and put out names in the bar. We did have to get Wahay off the fire escape and try to find RobSonic, but after twenty minutes of looking decided that we'd put the effort in."

"You came last in LW 1 and took a division title in LW 2... How do you explain the turn around?"

"I think a lot of words could be used but we'll go with 'I can't'."

"Do you think that the success will get to the team?"

"Very little gets to this team, some of the team don't even get to the team."

"Final thought: With success comes popularity and undoubtably a lot of flattery and imitation. For any heroes who think they could be future Purple Onions what qualities do you look for?"

"Very few, and definitely not redeeming ones."

"Well thanks Dick."

"No problem Robert, Jay, can I go now? I think Super Rakly is still a bit touchy about our name change... Is that him over there? Catch you later, thanks, bye!"


"We got to speak with Painkiller, leader of the victorious Total (A51) Vengeance while he was celebrating."

"Painkiller... a championship win, how's that feel?

"It's amazing for me... It's the first championship I've personally won."

"Bet you've got a few shout outs!"

"Definitely, I would like to thank my teamates in A51. Our opponent's Suffering are a very good league they're going to get stronger. Thanks also to the 101st Space Rangers and the 5th Precinct Buddy Cops for their participation and efforts.
Skel who put the league together, Anomaly who trained us, Zombie Ex tough as nails and Outcast. My brother and twin Grave... and also Baby Yoda and everybody who has been a member or is a member and last but not least EvoLucian.
There's been flawless teamwork by a league of leaders, all of the membership has ran a league at one time or another."

"And the celebrations?"

"I'm enjoying the party guys. Now it's a choice champagne or single malt... or both!"

"I believe you spoke to Mr Bowtie from Suicide Squad as well?"

"Yes I caught up with him and the enigmatic Killswitch over a couple of cold ones..."

"Mr Bowtie what does this victory mean to you and the team?"

"To our team this victory is just the beginning. We were baptized in blood and reborn in battle to slay all heroes that stand against us."

"Any special mentions?"

"Shout out to Killswitch even though he would want you to pay no attention to the “man behind the curtain” that moves like a ghost in and out of enemy camp recruiting the left behind and forgotten ones to create future Suicide Squads."

"And you Killswitch?"

"We are Suicide Squad a band of warriors doing the jobs none will with smiles on our faces. Together we fight any takers at any time."

"Highlights of the wars Bowtie?"

"For me the highlight was watching this unknown team rise up and inflict major damage and pain on the opposing teams."

"And how will you be celebrating ?"

"Its a bit too early to celebrate properly, as I stated earlier this is just the beginning. We will celebrate when we take GOLD in every division."

"Thanks Bowtie, Killswitch, catch you guys later."


"Did you manage to speak to Zombie Ex?"

"I tried Jay C, but social distancing..."

"Your distrust of the undead..."

"She smells a bit..."

"Did you get anything from her team?"

"I did manage to find Fleagle at the buffet, he has a thing for those little cocktail sausages..."


"We talked..."

"Can we get that interview?"

"Oh yeah sorry..."

"Fleagle, how does it feel to be a winner?"

"Well I was already a winner! You know that, I know that, and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise! But it was nice to get the win even though I might have possibly, slightly, inadvertently messed up in the final round."

"What's next big dog?"

"I guess I just continue to save the world and await the next wars."

"And celebrations? How does Fleagle do it?"

"You want me to say doggy style don't you ... typical... Well I slept for a while after wars, that was nice. You know me I'm a live for the moment kind of half guy/half dog. We don't really spend too much time celebrating or commiserating, we just look forward to what's next."

"Thanks Fleagle, good boy."


"And representing the victors in D1 AND D2 we have Fiero, Abstract, Super Rakly and Heretic joining us live."

"Guys top two divisions and a second place in D3, and some say a tenuous claim on D6. That's gotta feel good Rakly."

"Lets not talk about the Onion, I've said my piece, the hit still stands, let's just focus on the real Avengers please."

"Certainly. Fiero... Division 2... How was it?"

"Well I think my main thoughts were to remember it's about patience and trying to  relax, you've sometimes got to just try to chill no matter what they're throwing at you."

"Calm heads win wars?"

"Usually! We waited and watched, remained vigilant, assessing the situation and then made our move much later than most."

"And no issue with the half time show this time?"

"Not this time Robert Jnr."

"Think a lot of musicians are thankful for that."

"Heretic D1... your thoughts?"

"Not many... came, saw, crushed, repeated."

"And Abstract, how was it for you?"

"Well Jay I was all like Fleagles naked!!!! All streaks go! All streaks go! Fire at will! Holeee chit he's naked during league wars!!!"

"Not normal behaviour."

"Whose? Fleagle's or mine?"



"Just to interrupt I have The Closer, head of the 5th Precinct in the line right now. Closer... LW..."

"Yes Robert Jnr... Fights spilled out of the arena, and as a result some warrants have been issued for property damage and apparently public nudity."

"Hey Closer dude, it's Abstract here, speaking of warrants I need you to talk to the judge about this citation for public urination. I have a medically diagnosed issue. I cant help it if I peed a little while hitting the piledriver on Killswitch."

"Erm... catch me at the Precinct I'll see what I can do."

"10-3 big buddy Buck Rogers nova and out!"

"Well thanks to the Avengers, The Closer, Fleagle, Painkiller, Dick Fitzwell, Mr Bowtie, Killswitch and also our roving reporter Mimsy. This has been the SuperActionSports Team at League Wars 2 ... back to you Kennie..."

"No thanks for Nova, guys?"


"Well thanks to you for all your work capturing the events as they happened, we'll be back with you soon no doubt."

"Probably Kennie, quite possibly."

"Well coming up we have an interview with a man who claims he saw the ocean on fire and an in depth look at the latest damage reduction gear available to supers. All this and more after these words from our sponsors ..."