Tuesday, March 24, 2020

LW2 ROUND 2 Participant Interviews

Round 2 of LW2 is over. The Sentinel interviewed a few of the participants and asked them the following question:

What was the highlight of Round One for you?

Here are some of their replies:

Don't Take Me For...:
"Hm, let's see now.  This round was slightly easier for me, because the mismatch in strength was so extreme I didn't really even have to calculate if we could possibly win, though I threw out some attacks on general principles."

Drifting Spirit:
"Highlight was having my Live LW Update be posted in the game & in the blog."

"Best part of the day was checking the score... still no naked hits though... bring on the drinks!"

"hehe haha hohoho                                        
How will I face the day tomorrow
If I can't make it through today
I've got nothing left to lose but my sanity 
And the right to go insane voices in my head
I've got nothing left to lose but my mind
I've got nothing left to choose
So I think I'll go insane i'm laughing like a LUNATIC"

The Closer:
"5th Precinct had 3 winning leagues in the second round. That was my highlight. There's great promise for the future."

"Zero. There were zero highlights. Simply out-statted, if that's a word. Moving right along."

"I was expecting a battle out of 2nd opponents but seems they lost interest before it began except sinister, person had heart to try no matter what."

powerman 6th Precinct:
"I felt severely robbed of a win last i looked we had it won, and somebody snuck in and beat 5 more people. (cusses under breath) even the sun shines on a dogs ass once in a while seems that team had a dogs luck on their side."
