Monday, March 23, 2020

LWS 2 Round 2 Match Ups - 5 Hours In

By Todd Goode

Round 2 of LWS 2 is underway and off to a fast and furious start. Lets See what the division match ups look like.

Division 1:
Has Avengers Team 1 vs Legacy of Spawn off to a slow start as the round scores are zip to zip.
Suicide Squad Team 1 off and running over Seraphim Angels 146-13.

Division 2:
Has Avengers Team 2 up against 5th Precinct Night Shift. Avenger ahead 64-16.
WMD/51 is in a close battle with the 666-Ho$. WMD/51 leading 34-26.

Division 3:
Has Wild51cards facing the Realm Defenders, United, The Wildcards lead it 14-0.
Avengers Team 3 are off to a quick start against NMDS with a total of 22-5.

Division 4 rundown has the following match ups fighting the good fight:
Suicide Squad Team 2 vs Red Guard
SOB Hunter/killer vs Pain Inc.
51st State vs the 6th Precinct

Division 5 match ups for round 2 are giving as good as they get with the following:
101st Spacerangers .vs Total 51 Vengeance
5th Precinct Space Force vs Suffering Inc
Freaks of Nature vs Shadow Warriors
5th Precinct Police Academy vs 5th Precinct Buddy Cops

The Division 6 matches are moving along a fast pace with the following showdowns:
Henchman's Tale vs The Purple Onion
The Organization vs 5th Precinct New Recruits

Round 2 of LWS 2 is well underway. There will be some great fights and some great loses but we'll have to wait and see who takes all the marbles in these match ups. Good luck to all the league teams. Now go get them wins.
