Friday, January 7, 2022

Element Specific Climb Events Have A New Tool!!!!

ID: 23268

I have been begging for this forever, as I'm sure many of you have. When we do an Element specific Climb event, it's a bit of a homework project to figure out exactly how the + 50% effects boost changes our stats and effects. But now the day has come and Justin has unrolled this new and valuable tool for us that tells us at a click of a button what our suit does for us for that specific event. YAY! No more sitting there with the calculator or making rounded estimates! Unfortunately, the new feature doesn't yet show what our Att, Def, and Move stats finalize at, but perhaps that was an oversight. I'll get with Justin Towe and see if he can remedy that. For now though, you can find the new tool as it currently sits, on the Climb Event list screen under each event. Go check it out!
