Saturday, January 22, 2022

Father Time?? -- Did it happen or not?

Strange Quark felt... strange.

Even before Director Nova contacted him from Neo Utopia, something in the pit of his stomach told him the universe was more Tofurkey Ripple than delectable Rocky Road. 

What? What does that mean? The universe is more Tofurky Ripple than its typical Rocky Road today...

There weren't words for the disparity he was sensing. The 'flavor' of everything around him was off. It had felt one way a few minutes ago, but suddenly reality changed and sounded/tasted/seemed like a different recipe had been used to put it together. The geek in him sought a means to explain it succinctly, so he might explain his altered perceptions, even if it was only to himself.

He was Guinan in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, Yesterday's Enterprise. He glanced around the room warily, searching for Tasha Yar.

"We're on our way back," Nova continued to speak over the comms unit. "The conference is over as of now. We need to find out if there are any ongoing alterations after this Father Time's meddling.

Father Time. The heroes beat him. 

Beat who, though. I don't recall any of this occurring with them getting locked in an advent calendar or fighting against Father Time..

Or do I? I kind of do...?!?

Quark's head started to pound. "We'll be ready for your arrival, sir. I'll talk to you when you get here, but I think I need to get an aspirin ASAP."

"What's wrong, Quark?" Nova asked. "Should I be worried?"

"No," Quark said as he started rubbing the cartilage of his right earlobe. "I'm just not sure which bartender I am anymore..."

Want to know what is going on? Check out the new Heroes Rising story Grandfather Time: Part 1

... and watch the skies, and by skies, I mean the website for upcoming new events?!? Maybe?
