Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Hanzo Ninja Clan School Of Anything Goes Martial Arts: Part 7

Lesson 7: Fly Smells Like Doo Doo. Better To Catch Bee.
Player ID 23268

Ok, so in our last lesson, we sampled Cryogenic Frostbite. Now, let's set our sights quite a bit lower to the Teamwork card gained in events.

Upgrade 1 (10 MP)

Att 109
Def 77
Move 66
Att 137
Def 97
Move 83
Att 164
Def 116
Move 99
Att 191
Def 135
Move 116
Att 218
Def 154
Move 132

For a cost of 40 Morphons, I get

Att 109
Def 77
Move 66

Now let's figure it all out. We'll consolidate the entire previous calculations into one formula using my percentage numbers as were used in the previous example in the previous lesson.

0.5(109) + 0.5(77) + 1.5025(66) + 109 + 77 + 66 = 444.165
So for 40 Morphons, we get 444.165 points.
This divides down, 444.165 / 40, to an 11.1 value.

So the value of tiering this card is 11.1 per Morphon spent. This card is considered weak compared Cryogenic Frostbite. But that card only had a value of 2,8 per Morphon spent. So even though Cryogenic Frostbite is a better, stronger card, you actually end up increasing your stat points by 4 times as much per Morphon spent tiering Teamwork than you would tiering that top Shuffle card Cryogenic Frostbite. Think about that. By tiering your biggest and "best" cards first, you may very likely be slowing your growth by as much as 75%.

So, it's important to really look at the cards real value when you tier them. Naturally, you don't want to tier cards you know you will be selling. As a rule of thumb, you always want to plan to sell cards that you get you fewer Morphons selling them, than it costs to tier them. But for those cards that cost as much to tier as one gets to sell, pay special close attention to your cheaper to tier cards. Many of them are worth tiering far more than the top cards everyone tells you to tier. In fact, many of the best cards to tier for value come from game play and not from the Shuffle at all.

(Note from the Sentinel... If you missed any of these articles or want to reread them, remember, you can find them on the Heroes Rising Sentinel blog 'These City Streets'. Look for it under the Community tab on the main page.)

