Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Fiction Forum Challenge: "Tell us how your character answers BADGE's latest call to fight"

Have you read the latest installment of Grandfather Time? You know? Part 5??

If not, it is time you did to find out what's going on in the Heroes Rising Universe.

Heroes Rising is a game about superheroes, villains, the dimension they fight within, and, just as importantly, the world they live in.  They do battles while on Missions and Patrols. They compete in Fight Clubs and KOTM events. They even sometimes do Battle with each other during League Wars or just for fun, gaining experience, Bux, Gear, Power Cards, Crystals, and Morphon Points.

But who are they? What does the world know about them? 

That is the part you are encouraged to fill in for yourself. This can be done by answering some questions on the provided character sheet on your Profile Page or adding tidbits to the Bio just beneath the fill-in-the-blank boxes, or you can use the Heroes Rising Fiction Forum to tell stories about what your characters do, who they are, describe their powers, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and everything else about them.

Does your hero have a sidekick? Have you added an animal/pet to your Avatar image? What are they and why are they your companion? The Fiction Forum is a great place to share that information.

And doing so earns you some rewards. Each worthy post in the Fiction Forum earns you 20MP worth of tradable power cards. Good stories might even be featured on the Sentinel New Page and if chosen, can receive a payment of up to 460MP in tradable cards. So your heroes can not only defeat the villain, but can also walk away with some great loot.

If you can find a group of other players who want to join together to tell a collaborative story, there are monthly awards for the best collaborative effort with prizes from Strange Quark himself. 

If you would like to give this a try there is a new thread open based on the current call for heroes by Gar and Director Nova. Think up your story for how your character gets the message, post a reply on this thread in the Fiction Forum.
All it takes to participate in the Fiction Forum is an e-mail and password. Once you create it, you are free to post your replies. Be sure to include your character ID# so the Sentinel knows who to pay for the post. *A good way to do this is to go to the Account Settings and selecting Edit your Signature. Put your character's name and ID# in and his Save Signature. It will be attached to every post you make after that.

 Make it funny. Make it heroic. Tell whatever you want, because we aren't looking for the best writing or grammar, but what draws us into your character's world. Make your character part of the action going on and take us with you. In-Game author Daniel Peyton does his best to work in cameos for player characters, but he doesn't know your toon like you do. 

This is a chance for you to highlight what makes your character special. 

The best reactions will be featured in an article in the Sentinel with rewards for article submission. This opportunity will end as soon as Grandfather Time has been dealt with, so don't take too long...
