Friday, January 28, 2022

RAID Update: Father Time Deja Vu

Chaz Hamilton here, reporting to our Sentinel readers on the world's heroes being summoned to fight aboard the Stellar Arena tomorrow???

Details are fuzzy as to when the call actually went out. Even though I am reporting from the safety of the Command and Control deck, these so called 'temporal fractures' are causing some strange interference with the stations systems. And while in combat with the villain identified as Father Time, our heroes have been stymied at most efforts to defeat him.

Just now, I'm witnessing one case of effect and cause being neutralized. Several energy blasters, as they have been nicknamed, such as Aflima, Furious Squirrel, and others have formed a brigade and attempted to flank Father Time. After discharging their projected energy attacks, Father Time simply fades out of existence the second the blasts strike him, passing through the space he occupied and discharging on heroes attacking Father Time from the opposite side.

Leagues are banding together to attack a single opponent rather than the usual divisional competition they face during our league wars. Every league is represented by multiple heroes. Division One winners of League War Avalanche, WMD are on scene, delivering blows that would fell Legion soldiers in one shot, but they are not the force leading the damage curve. According to BADGE scientists, it is Villains Inc. member and snowball king Hanzo that has dealt nearly 3X the damage of Skelanimal. Hot Wings, the individual recognized as being at the forefront of all heroes when it comes to experience is currently ranked 8th in overall damage.

Father Time has also managed to separate the heroic forces by enacting what is being referred to as  "The Picard Maneuver". He has somehow forced himself to move fast enough through time to create a shadow duplicate of himself and is fighting on to fronts. One-hundred seventy-nine heroes, designated by BADGE as Lvl 100+ fight the stronger of the two Fathers. 136 Level 99 or lower heroes are battling the other.

This might help explain why the first group has brought Father Time to slightly over half of his original temporal energy readings and the second group of less experienced heroes have only managed to reduce the alternate to just over 30%. 

Time has played a big part in this fight, but nobody can be sure exactly how long the battle has, or will, last. It began roughly at 3pm EST on Friday, but all objects or devices that measure the passing of time have gone haywire, reporting random dilatations in times passing. This has also effected several heroes in strange ways, such as--

<a bright flash of light fills the Command and Control deck>

--...gah, gah, goo... thhpppptt... whaaaaa... whaaaaa... I'm nakie... Want nappie! Whaaaa... Compooper, someting wong... Is we in outside space? I made a poopie in Novie's chair. He's gonna be so mad when he gets back--

<a bright flash of light fills the Command and Control deck>

-- you should be very glad you haven't seen some of what I've seen here today. Nobody should have to have seen that.

I'll keep bringing you updates on what occurs up here. Hopefully, I will have some good news to report soon. For now, this has been Chaz Hamilton for the Sentinel News. Keep our heroes in your thoughts.

What is this that I'm sitting in?