Sunday, January 23, 2022

Heroes Rising Fiction: Grandfather Time Part 2

 Two weeks pass normally. The world remains almost oblivious to the time warp that nearly destroyed the planet. Only a select few among BADGE know of the alternate timeline that was created by Father Times’ attack.

EB bounced around the Operations center with all the energy of a two-year-old toddler full of espresso.

“I love New Years! It’s a great holiday, dontcha think? People celebrating, kissing...I love the kissing....I got a kiss from Chase last night. It was great, GREAT, GREAT!” He bounced off of computer consoles, broke the head off of one of the working robots, and smashed a monitor screen.

“EB!” Nova bellowed.

“Sorry, I lost control. I didn’t mean to do that. I have been doing so much better lately. I haven’t broken anything in at least two weeks, unless you count that one door, and the window in the arboretum, and that computer tablet in the mess hall, and...”

Nova huffed and clicked his comm. “Maintenance, robot and computer repair needed in Operations.”


EB bounced in a circle around Nova.

Nova clicked his comm again, “Dr. Henderson, what’s the most potent sedative you have?”

“Bidenarline, though it often causes the user to mumble incoherently for a while after it wears off. Why?” she answered.

EB continued his circular bouncing. Nova muttered, “just checking. Nova out.”

Gar and Chase walked in. Gar beamed the same congenial smile he always had while Chase looked as tired as EB was energetic.

“I see you’re still hung over?” Nova said.

Chase shushed him with one finger. “I don’t normally drink like that. But, after all the crap that happened during the holiday season, I sorta let go. I think I got so wasted I kissed a rug...I woke up with fur on my lipstick.”

EB called out, “That’s rabbit fur, baby, and you LOVED it!”

“Oh, god. What did I do last night?”

Gar said, “you kissed EB for five whole minutes.”

EB hopped over to her, landing on a nearby computer station so he could be closer to her face. He winked and said, “and you loved every second of it.”

“You little rodent! Is that why you kept offering me those chocolate liquor filled eggs?”

“Don’t tell me you didn’t like em?” He smiled at her.

She glared at him. “if my head wasn’t pounding, I would pound you.”

He smiled even bigger. “sounds like a good time to me.”

“UGH! Gar, throw him out an airlock!” She stomped away.

Nova stopped this little conversation. “Enough. We all have work to do. At least, today should be a simple one. Chase, you can take the morning off. I don’t like my agents to be hung over while on duty. Gar can take your shift. EB, you can go help clean up the mess hall from the New Year’s party.”

“Hey, that’s robot stuff,” EB protested..

“That reminds me, don’t break anything while you’re down there.”

EB hopped away while muttering aloud, “fine way to treat a legendary figure. Make me pick up trash. Just because I was snogging the hottest girl on the station last night doesn’t mean I need to be punished, but no, I...” The elevator opened and Santa stood there.

“Oh, Easter Bunny, good morning.”

EB said, “Santa, whatcha doing up here?”

Santa walked into Operations. “I’m here about the clock.”

“Already?” EB asked. “I mean, I know we gotta get that thing secured, but it’s pretty safe up here.”

“You know as well as I how dangerous that thing is. Father Time got it once. If he gets it a second time, we could be in real danger.”

Nova spoke up, “I hate to interrupt this conversation in my operations center, but what is going on?”

Santa walked down the stairs to the main floor and spoke to Nova, “the clock, we need it returned to a secure location. I have spent the past two weeks bolstering the security around the holding place in the North Pole. This time, no one will get their hands on it.”

Nova said, “I would like to wait and see if fractures form this time. “

“Fractures?” Chase asked.

EB answered, “oh, there was this...”

“EB, enough.” Nova ordered.

“I was just gonna tell her...”

Santa said, “EB, we really should keep that to ourselves for now. Nova, I don’t believe we should be worried. I would much rather it be away from this station. It is too close to...uh...perhaps we should talk in your office about this.”

Nova looked at Chase and then back at Santa, “that would be wise.”

“Is there something you’re not telling me?” Chase asked.

Nova gave off a clever smile. “Of course, about many things. For now, just get the clock out of the secure vault and prepare for transport. Gar, EB, go with her and keep it safe.”

Santa quickly added, “Angela...sorry....Chase, whatever you do, do not use your powers on that clock.”

“Okay. I won’t. Come on Gar, let’s go.” She left with EB and Gar close behind her.


Two cargo boats left the dock on the river that ran beside Neo Utopia. Each was loaded down with empty containers being shipped out to sea.

“So, you ring in the new year?” Bill asked the dock agent as they watched the ships depart.

Greg, the agent, said, “like always, snoring my head off. I don’t have the luxury of staying up all night when I have to be up at four AM.”

“It was the same as last year, big colored ball drops, confetti all over Times Square, and then people sing an old song. I watched it, then went back to my poker game.”

Greg scribbled on a paper clipped to a board. “You got any plans for the next League Wars?”

“Yeah, the guys and I are getting a big watch party put together. My favorite League is gonna win this time. I just know it.”

“Sure they are. Like you said they would last time.” Greg laughed.

“I blame the rankings! Everything is all messed up. Now, this time, I’m sure the matches will be more even, and then you’ll see.”

Greg walked out as he said, “blame the rankings, blame the score board, blame the referees, but never blame the players. That’s a sports fan for ya.”

“Look, the referees last time were all blind. Did you see how....what the hell is that?” Bill stopped and stood back.

Greg looked up to see what appeared to be a large crack in the middle of the air. It was wide and had a strange energy coming out of the edges. Inside the crack was like looking back in time. They could see the river and land behind it, but the buildings were decades out of date. Suddenly, a great horn screamed as a ship came crashing through it. Parts of the vessel met the edges and were shorn off. The boat rocked forward and then a new siren blared a warning as it instantly sank. Soldiers dressed in WWII uniforms were diving off to avoid going down with the ship.

“Are you seeing this?” Bill asked.

Greg nodded and then realized the catastrophe in front of him. He dropped his clipboard and rushed back to an emergency phone. “EMERGENCY, WE HAVE A SINKING SHIP, I REPEAT, WE HAVE A SINKING SHIP!”
