Sunday, August 14, 2022

Butcher Shop Gazette: Breaking League War News!

Reporting for the “Butcher Shop Gazette” this is Cαρƚαιɳ Aɱҽɾιƈα ID: 12362

With League Wars about to Start the “Society of Butchers” leadership is hard at work forming new Leagues to compete across the Division’s. Old Friends are returning to the ranks. New friends are requesting membership. Letters of recruitment are going out, all with a single goal in mind; To rebuild this once great Society. Still nothing works better than winning, and Gold is the Goal.

When interviewing one of the ♆SOB♆ Captains “Aɾƈԋαɳɠҽʅ” of Nest of Vipers, he Prophesied that during this League wars; “Heroes and Villains alike will be scared to attack us, Teams will be heartbroken and unexpected losses will result in the gain of Glory!” Aɾƈԋαɳɠҽʅ went on to say that he believes with the addition of some very powerful friends across all of their teams, expect ♆SOB♆ to “Put up a respectable fight in any division that we are placed in.”

GЯΣΣП ᄂΛПƬΣЯП of ØVɆⱤⱠØⱤĐ says “We are expecting to win! We made our debut during the first ever Faction War and took Silver. Now we are back to compete in our very first League War with a seasoned group of friends and allies and we are playing for Keeps. We plan to live up to the name ØVɆⱤⱠØⱤĐ.”

T̷u̷r̷b̷o̷ ̷J̷o̷h̷n̷ of MΞΛTL♢CKΣR Is also leading a new team onto the field of battle for the first time, when asked about it he said. “We have a secret weapon . . . Let me just say that we are happy to go Tit4tat” he then added that they expect to put up one hell of a fight and at bear minimum walk away with respect.

Members of Dismember is not new to league wars, led by Bee-Stinger they have their “Knives and Butchers hooks at the ready”. Bee-Stinger says that even though they placed 3rd in their last League War “We learned a lot, we are made up of mainly free players and yet we are putting up a fight! If you think your going to just walk over us, you better watch out or, you might just find yourself Dismembered!” Can Members of Dismember Sting the competition? This reporter is eager to find out.

Hunter / Killer is definitely a household name. They have been fighting evil and keeping us fed since before the days of Legion; now they are just better at it! League War after League War, Year after Year, you will always find them there! In fact, it’s fair to say that this team led by GRAVITERA single-handedly held the legacy of ♆SOB♆ together. It has been suggested that a name change to “The God Father” would be appropriate. I am truly looking forward to seeing what the team can do now that an old friend . . . Scratch that one of its original teammates has returned to the fold. I for one expect Fireworks!

Finally another brand new team has Joined the ranks of ♆SOB♆ Called ???? ????. Even though this team is exactly what it sounds like, I.e., a team of free to low budget players. Based on the track record of ♆SOB♆ I would expect these Heroes to just get better and better and better. Their leader IѦᔕᴉƚҽ definitely looks the part but how will this brand new team, with brand new players hold up in a seasoned field of Mini Legends. Has the land scape changed enough since the last League war to allow them to bloom? I know I will be keeping an eye out to see how they do.

In summery ♆SOB♆ is not only back, there growing, thriving, winning! Is the time right for there first Gold. They certainly have some power house players, but can they put it together? Tune in this August 20th and watch the action unfold live!