Wednesday, August 24, 2022

POV of a New Player: Gifts (by: Ralph)

PLAYER ID: 35973

I wanted to talk today about something that I think a lot of people, especially us new people, are ignoring - The Gifts section of Heroes Rising. Up along the Home page, in the tabs in the second row, is a "Gifts" link right next to Friends.

This page lets you send a single gift to everyone on your friend list, every single day. But here is the beauty of it, if they are active and also using the gift section, then YOU get a gift back from them also.

Basically, it is like Karma. If you send it out into the world it can come back to you.

So my favorite thing to send out is Large Hatoraides. These give you 4 battles back each time you use one, so it lets me battle more people per day than I could with the 14 you see at the very top.Here is how *I* personally do it, but feel free to work it out how it best works for you:

1. I first click on the item I want to send at the top of the gifts page. This could be the Small More-Fun Bar, the Large More-Fun Bar, the Hatoraide, or the Large Hatoraide. As I said, I like the Large Hatoraide, so we click the picture.

2. A New pop up comes up that shows you a list of all your friends in a scroll window. I always click "Select All". It lets me send a Large Hartoraide to everyone at once. Now they are all Highlighted, so click the red "Send Gifts" button. It will say Gifts sent and hit Close.

3. Now you are back on your Gift page, and you can see there are a bunch of gifts below that have been sent to you! You can click on he red "Accept Gifts" button, and it will accept everything at once.

4. If you wait just a moment, the Accept Gifts button now says "Return All favors". I have already sent all my gifts allowed today, but I like to go ahead and click this anyway... maybe something got forgotten, I don't know, so I like to cover my bases and click it.

5. Once that is done, I always click on the "Gifts" link at the top of the page again, to refresh the whole thing. That will let me know if there are any gifts on a second page I didn't see. Again, just covering my bases here.

OK, you have sent and received all of your gifts for the day, so let's now scroll down tot he very bottom of the page to see some stuff for sale.

There are 6 items for sale down here, mostly using MPs to buy them. The first four are just a repeat of the things you are sending and receiving as gifts. So if you are doing your gifting every day, you will probably not need to buy anymore. And who wants to spend MPs on something free anyway?

The last two items are pretty special. They are called Liquid Learning. The basic one will cost you 10,000 Bux (!) and it will increase your XP gains by 25% for 1 hour. So if you would normally get 100XP a day, you would get 125 XP if you got it all in that one hour time.

The last item is Most Liquid Learning, which really bumps things up and gives you 100% XP gains for 2 hours! So instead of 100 XP, you would have gotten 200XP. NICE! Of course, this only helps you if you are trying to gain levels quickly. If you are taking the slow and easy route, you will hafta Skip these things. And the better XP gains will cost you 45 MPs, and I have better things to spend my MPs on that extra XP.

OK, so that is a quick and easy tutorial on how to use gifts. What was that? You don't HAVE any friends to send gifts to?? Guess what? We are covering that next week on the POV of a New Player.

See you then!