Friday, August 12, 2022

Heroes Rising Special Fiction: Mercs for Hire

 Agent Justin and Gar walked toward a BADGE command tent, each holding a restraining pole attached to a vest that was holding Skelanimal like a wild animal.

“Look, I’m not a danger. You can stop doing this to me!” Skelanimal struggled against the restraints.

Justin pulled tight to stop Skelanimal’s jostling. “Nova will decide what to do with you.”

Gar said, “he wanted us to restrain you. Don’t blame us.”

“That big jerk. He thinks he’s all high and mighty and....” just then, Nova walked up. Skelanimal’s tone changed. “Hey, buddy, just talking about you.”

“I heard.” Was all Nova said, which deflated Skelanimal’s attempt at friendliness.

“Look, I was just thirsty, and this liquid looked good and I just, you know, don’t think before I act sometimes. It was an accident. I didn’t mean to go on that rampage. I didn’t do as much damage to the city this time, and...I cannot stress this enough....I was driven nuts by that stuff I drank.”

“Stop babbling. You’re free to go.” Nova waved at Gar and Justin.

“Really?” Gar asked.

“Let him go. We have other problems. Besides, Doctor Henderson said that if he exhibited no more symptoms of the serum for a full hour, it was finished. I’d say the flight was long enough to account for that. are to go back to your League HQ and stay there for at least two weeks. Let everyone cool off after that battle. And try not to get into any trouble again.”

“Gotcha.” He was loosened from the restraints and then bolted for the nearest shuttle.

Justin approached Nova. “Sir? What other problems have arisen?”

Nova guided them back to the tent. “I have had word that our field agents working with heroes have located a large stash of leftover World Corps weapons and tech. I need you two to check into it and see that all is confiscated before anyone else gets their hands on it. There are still a lot of those anti-morphon weapons and they’re still an enormous threat.”

“We’re on it.” Justin waved at Gar.

They boarded the nearest shuttle and took off. After a few hours, they landed in an area in Northern Montana. A large, fenced-in compound was in the middle of nowhere, with only one road that had no traffic.

Stepping out of the shuttle a good distance away from the compound, they met Spark from the UCH League. The yellow-haired hero greeted Gar with a handshake. “What’s up, big guy. Long time no see.”

“Spark. Good to see you. Where’s Snow?”

“She’s working with our team leader. Come on.” He walked them over to a small group of heroes and BADGE agents. The leader of the UCH league was an older man in military fatigues.

“This is The General, our leader.”

He gave them a quick nod. “Mister Gar, Agent Justin, good to meet you. We have a situation.”

Justin asked, “have you located the stock of weapons and tech?”

“Yes. And it’s well guarded. We detected just three of the mercs left from the World Corps military guarding that compound. However, upon closer inspection, we discovered they have an entire army under that compound, ready to be unleashed. I sent Spark in to get any intel and he came back with this.” He handed Justin a sheet of paper.

Gar peered over Justin’s shoulder to read the paper. Justin said, “looks like a resume, but for the entire group.”

“Yup. They’re looking for someone else to work for. There are international warrants out on every last merc still alive from the World Corps army. They know this and are looking for someone else just as devious to work for who needs henchmen. And, best of all, they come fully armed with highly advanced tech and weapons.”

“This is bad.” Justin said.

Gar asked, “what do we do?”

The General said, “only one thing. Storm the place. We cannot risk them finding a way to move that stash to another hidden location, or even worse, to the hands of a willing buyer. They are still recovering from the collapse of their organization. As far as we can tell, they aren’t fully ready for open combat. We have to get in there now and pull this apart.”

“Agreed.” Justin clicked on his comm. “Agent Justin to Nova. The situation is a class A emergency. We need as many heroes here now. Tell them to be ready for a fight.”

