Sunday, August 28, 2022


- Ralph Gabriel

Once upon a time, it was a dark and stormy night... The wind beat down hard on the window pane, like the beat down I gave the crook who tried to rob me tonight. I was walking the street, walking my beat, trying to see through the rain and the sleet.

Out of the alley a man in a hood, dressed to the nines, nicer clothes than he should, tried to get the drop on me with a billy club of wood.

I am a hero by trade, so I was ready for action. My fast reflexes gave me plenty of traction. I dodged his first swing, and then doubled around, grabbed for my belt, where I kept my contraptions.

I pulled out my own club and leveled it at him, "You dont want none of this", I said and poked his chest and I was ready to flatten 'em.

I could tell right away he was suddenly aware, I could see he went stiff as he started to stare. My muscles were bigger, my shoulders too broad, and my costume had a certain, "Super Hero Flair".

"No No, man, I dont want no trouble". But trouble he found, and trouble was double. I flicked the club from his hand to the ground. I have a problem with trying to be subtle.

He threw up his hands, backing away fast, but I moved into the alley, following last. He again begged to be left alone but it was too late, it was time to take to task.

I left him there, alone on the ground. No bones were broke, no fractures were found. I didnt want him dead, just a lesson brought 'round.

So I sat back at home, watching the rain. I knew the cretin was probably in pain. I didn't worry too much, I knew he would be fine. Sometimes the club is the best way to explain.