Saturday, August 20, 2022

The 12: An August Origin Story Part 1

By: 10950

Our planet was deemed a prison planet. Our people sentenced to live out lifetime after lifetime until our sun expanded and engulfed it in the firey sea contained in its gravity. We were immortal, but not in the traditional sense. We didn't live forever, never knowing death. Death came for us all. But we suffered through it countless upon countless times. Each lifetime we were born, struggled, and died, just to be born anew in an endless cycle, until the fateful day would come and the sea of fire would end our days forever. But that was an eternity away, and each lifetime, we would have to remind ourselves again who we were before. In time, this became easier, as technology and the advancements brought about through cultural and scientific advancements made it easier and easier to remember who we were and where we came from, where we wanted to go back to. But this time of the Greater Remembering was cyclical too, for our captors, in their great wisdom, knew that if ever we remembered completely, that we would find the means to break the shackles that bound us to this planet. And so they made our world so that it would shatter each and every time, just when we were close. Just when we had reached the pinnacles we needed to once more reach the stars, to once more escape this Hell we had been sentenced to, their preprogramming of the planet's life cycle would send one natural disaster or another, destroying all we had built and sending us back into the stone age, back into the Great Forgetting. And then we would rebuild again, trying to remember. On and on the Great Cycle would repeat itself as we hurled helplessly towards the Day of Fire. But this time......... This time we had a plan.

Over 100 years ago, our scientists had determined that the next great disaster to reset our civilization would be a great deluge that would most likely wipe out all evidence of our great history and culture. We had worked the entire last century to try and stop the reset, but all efforts to find a solution had failed. If we had just had a few hundred more years, our level of technology would likely have allowed us to escape this disaster, but unfortunately, time was not on our side. So the leaders of our world decided upon a different plan. We couldn't save our civilization, but perhaps we could save the next one, and thereby save ourselves still.

The plan was to gather the best and brightest 12 people and launch them into space where they would orbit the planet in a small space station. They would live in stasis most of the time, while the orbital space station would monitor the planet below. The rest of our population would be shuttled into cities underground, sealed off completely from the outside world. These cities were placed all over the planet and kept separated. This increased the odds that if any of the cities failed for any reason, the chance might still exist with the others to preserve our peoples. Once the planet surface was safe and habitable again, the space station would send a signal to the cities, unlocking them to the outside world once more. It is unknown how many generations this might take. It is expected to be many. After the planet is safe once more, the 12 chosen elite would be released from stasis so that they could begin their mission. They would 1st help facilitate our people's return to the planet's surface, establishing civilization, culture, and laws to govern once more. Afterwards, they would return to their orbital space station and stasis, with one or more occasionally awakening and returning to the planet to teach our descendants about civilization, culture, and science, at a faster rate than we had learned previously. It was our leaders plan that, by doing so, the 12 would advance the next civilization's understanding of science and the cataclysm that was coming, so that when the time came, they would be far enough advanced to do what we could not, escape the next great cataclysm and perhaps even this God forsaken planetary system we were imprisoned in.

I am one of those 12, and this is our story...................

To Be Continued............